Kandidatuppsatser (Department of sociology and work science / Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap): Recent submissions
Visas titlar 201-220 av 401
VEM TAR ANSVAR? En kvalitativ studie om myndigheters och kvinnojourers arbete med våldsutsatta kvinnor
(2017-03-13)Syfte och frågeställningar I studien undersöks vilket stöd och bemötande myndigheter och kvinnojourer erbjuder våldsutsatta kvinnor, vilka förståelser de har av våldet samt om och hur verksamheterna samverkar. Syftet ... -
EXTREMISTEN OCH DEN ANDRE - En kritisk diskursanalys av Samtalskompassen som medel mot våldsbejakande extremism.
(2017-03-06)The aim of this study is to examine Samtalskompassen as a crime-preventing measure implemented in Sweden by the national coordinator against violent extremism. This includes studying how street-level bureaucrats and ... -
DET KOSTAR ATT ARBETA GRATIS! - Motivationsfaktorer och dess konsekvenser för volontärarbetare
(2017-03-02)The factors motivating individuals to volunteer and continue volunteering is something that could be translated into non-volunteer organisations. The fact that these individuals are willing to use their own time and money ... -
Employer Branding genom förmåner - en kvantitativ studie om vad som tilltalar olika generationer av tjänstemän
(2017-03-02)Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and explain how white-collar employees perceive benefits and their importance within the area Employer Branding. The purpose is also to explore whether there are any ... -
Motivationsfaktorer - Konsult eller anställd, har det någon betydelse?
(2017-03-02)Background: Motivation and job satisfaction have been popular research topics in previous literature, which has resulted in multiple motivation theories such as Maslow and Herzbergs's theory. However we base this study ... -
”Hade jag fått önska så hade vi haft rekryterande enheter i alla stadsdelar” - En fallstudie om huruvida en specialiserad rekryteringsenhet kan vara värdeskapande
(2017-03-02)The study aims to identify if a support unit with recruitment specialists can contribute to more value creation. By examining the specialized support units process, organization, and how managers perceive their support we ... -
(2017-03-02)Job control is traditionally considered a buffer against stress. To find out if there is any evidence to support this idea, I compared the perceived job stress levels among school principals in the public sector within ... -
Att leda framtidens arbetskraft En kvalitativ studie av ledarskapets inflytande på medarbetares arbetsengagemang och motivation
(2017-02-28)“The majority of the Swedish workforce is currently disengaged from their job roles, resulting not only in huge financial losses for companies and organisation, but also results in a less effective and more detached ... -
Utländska akademikers anställningsbarhet - En fallstudie på Göteborgs Hamn
(2017-02-28)Employability is a major koncept in today's society. In connection with the increase of newly arrived immigrants, the issues of employability becomes more relevant. We found that there is a lack of studies regarding the ... -
Är Corporate Social Responsibility ett renhårigt koncept? En studie om CSR, HR och organisatorisk rättvisa
(2017-02-28)Purpose: This thesis first intention is to understand the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from an organizational justice perspective, understanding how companies who work with CSR is strategically planned ... -
HR-TRANSFORMATIONENS PRAKTIK - En kvalitativ studie om transaktionellt och transformativt HR-arbete
(2017-02-28)Just over a decade ago many organizations in Sweden began to apply the concept of HR transformation. The reasons and the underlying incentive why these organizations started with HR transformation vary. One argument is ... -
Visstid som livsstil - En studie om anställningsbarhet och osäkra anställningar i kultur- och mediavärlden
(2017-02-28)The aim of our study is to understand of how professionals within “the cultural- and media work field” experience reoccurring short-term contracts. Our purpose is also to understand what strategies they use to keep them ... -
”Alla vill ju må bra på jobbet, hur svårt kan det vara?” En fallstudie om implementeringen av AFS 2015:4 inom försvarsmakten.
(2017-02-28)The purpose is to conduct a case study to increase the understanding of how the implementation of AFS 2015:4 Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö (organisational and social work environment) is conducted in the Armed ... -
Att ge stöd till konsulter på distans
(2017-02-28)Purpose: The overall aim of this study is to obtain more knowledge about Human Resources (HR) work in supporting line managers and employees in the increasingly expanding consulting industry. The study aims to identify ... -
Verksamheters utmaningar i en globaliserad värld - Hur påverkas HR inom olika sektorer?
(2017-02-28)Purpose - The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and describe what corporate challenges organizations and HR functions experience in a global era. Furthermore the thesis covers some aspects of how these challenges are ... -
Medarbetarskap – en inblick i ledarens perspektiv En fallstudie om medarbetarskap i en offentlig verksamhet
(2017-02-28)Employeeship has in recent years become a large trend in the labor market. It seems like the awareness within the field is increasing and organizations are starting to realize the importance of having responsible and ... -
Stöd till HR En kvalitativ studie om det stöd HR-chefer upplever att de behöver och får i sitt arbete
(2017-02-28)The HR function has developed to be an important and versatile function, and their work often permeates the organisation as a whole. Through this they contribute to the success and competitiveness of the organisation. At ... -
Corporate Social Responsibility Hela företagets ansvar? En fallstudie om medarbetarnas delaktighet i CSR-arbetet hos ÖrebroBostäder AB
(2017-02-28)The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse the employees involvement in CSR work from an employee perspective. In the public eye a company's CSR work will become empty words if the employees do not also become ... -
”ATT INTEGRERA DEN ANDRE” - En kvalitativ studie om Göteborgs Stads samarbete med idéburna organisationer kring ensamkommande flyktingbarn
(2017-02-24)Studien har som sitt övergripande syfte att undersöka samarbetet mellan Göteborgs Stad och de idéburna organisationer som år 2015 slöt ett unikt IOP-avtal. Uppsatsen har sin huvudfokus kring integrationsarbetet riktat ... -
Utmaningen med oavlönad personal - Hur hanterar organisationer icke avlönad personal
(2017-01-12)Around the country, there are several organizations and businesses that have employees who work unpaid. In order to drive their organization forward, it may be crucial to have unpaid staff. It operates its business in ...