Now showing items 1-20 of 259
Environmental Concern and Economic Growth: Public Opinion Across 107 Countries From 1995 to 2022
(2022-12-02)This study examines three questions across countries and over time. First, how the public is prioritizing between the environment and economic growth is investigated. Second, the association between how the public prioritizes ... -
Private security officers on Hot Spot Patrol - A mixed method multiple case study
(2022-11-18)Aims and objectives: This thesis aimed to gain knowledge of the extent private security officers patrolling public spaces ‘work’. By considering the conditions the private security officers are intended to address, stipulated ... -
”Chefers förutsättningar att stödja medarbetare med vanliga psykiska sjukdomar” – en litteraturstudie
(2022-11-10)Background: Mental illness has increased in Sweden as well as in other countries. Mental illness can lead to common mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and exhaustion. Focus today is often on providing the ... -
“Likes - the new Self?” How does social currency affect yoga practitioners in Sweden?
(2022-10-31)This article discusses the impact of social currency on yoga practitioners in Sweden, emphasising the relation between social currency, sexualisation and yoga. Social currency is best described as the more likes on social ... -
ACTING COMPETITIVELY IN A CONSTANTLY CHANGING CONTEXT - A quantitative study on competitive employee behaviour
(2022-10-18)For organisations to stay competitive in current circumstances entailing great uncertainties, swift changes, and continuous development, they need employees who are willing to both initiate and adapt to such changes. ... -
IT WOULD BE EASY IF ONE WOULD KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO - A case study of how middle managers handled organizational culture differences during a post-merger integration phase in a Finnish multinational corporation
(2022-10-18)Purpose: This study aimed to examine middle managers’ experiences of differences in organizational culture during the post-merger integration phase, to figure out what kind of problematic consequences the differences lead ... -
PLAYING BALL - How HR professionals respond to institutional complexity
(2022-10-18)Purpose: This paper is positioned in the intensive strategic human resource management debate by paying attention to the daily practices of HR professionals. The aim of this cross-sectoral study is to gain a deeper ... -
Just like a virus, change is spreading - A qualitative study exploring how continuous change within a logistic company is perceived and executed by managers
(2022-10-18)Purpose: Together with a large logistic organisation, this paper investigates a change, called project S. This study explores the perspectives of the managers within the chosen case company, how they perceived, executed ... -
Leadership in times of crisis - A qualitative study during the Covid-19 pandemic about emerging leadership strategies and practices
(2022-10-18)Purpose: The aim of this study is threefold. It aims to understand how leadership strategies and practices were challenged, adapted, and developed during the Covid-19 pandemic and to identify challenges and opportunities ... -
Enabling trust through digital leadership practises - A qualitative study on employee’s perception of leadership trust in a digital work environment
(2022-10-18)Purpose: The purpose of this study is to further investigate how leaders can enable trust in a digital work environment, by looking at what digital leadership practice’s employees perceive as trust building. Theory: The ... -
Work-life balance crafting behaviours of managers from a gender perspective - A case study of a multinational corporation in the male-dominated automotive industry
(2022-10-18)Purpose: The aim of this research is to explore managers’ work-life balance (WLB) crafting behaviours within the male dominated automotive industry. The study adds to the literature by considering the individual’s room ... -
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE – IS IT JUST ABOUT BEING NICE? - A Qualitative Study on the Perceptions of Emotional Intelligence Amongst Leaders in a Multinational Organisational Context
(2022-10-18)Purpose: Emotional intelligence (EI) is a popular, highly used concept in organisations worldwide, which has not yet found a unified, central meaning, therefore creating communication errors. This study investigates the ... -
Can you hear me, ok? Is the video working all right? - Use of video tools in recruitment interviews from applicants’ and recruiters’ perspectives
(2022-10-18)Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the use of video tools in recruitment interviews, and what kind of experiences applicants and employers have of them. Moreover, the purpose is to understand the affects ... -
REMOTE WORK: TOOL OF CHANGE OR MERELY A MIRROR OF OLD PRACTICES? - A qualitative study on remote work experiences and gender regimes in Slovak context
(2022-10-18)Purpose: The study explores how employee remote work experiences may vary based on the local context, status position and gender of the employees. The study explores these relationships and their implications in the context ... -
THE NOSTALGIA - Perceptions of Non-European Skilled-immigrants on their Professional Career Sacrifices in Sweden
(2022-10-18)Purpose: Purpose of this study is to identify the perceptions of high-skilled non-European immigrants about their professional career sacrifices after migrating to Sweden. Focus group of this thesis are the non-European ... -
It is not about your Style - An Investigation on Managerial Soft Skills and Attributes Related to Positive Leadership Styles in the Service Sector
(2022-10-18)Purpose: Managerial work and leadership are linked to the organization of the work of others. Managers are responsible for planning and scheduling work, allocating resources and directly monitoring the work progress in ... -
Competence development from an institutional perspective in the light of Industry 4.0 - A qualitative study in the industry sector
(2022-10-18)Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how external pressures such as industry 4.0 and the increased demands for digitalised practices this brings, has affected the investment in competence development at ... -
Mysteriet med trygghetsarbete - En studie av samverkan inom det trygghetsskapande och brottsförebyggande fältet
(2022-09-19)The aim of this thesis is to increase the understanding of fear of crime and crime prevention work. We look at how the conceptual confusion manifests itself and examine recurring themes.The thesis is based on an empirical ... -
Prioritizing Violence Prevention - An evaluation of the implementation of a school-based initiative to prevent violence in Sweden
(2022-08-18)The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of a violence prevention initiative called Northeast Free from Violence (NFFV), in a Swedish lower-elementary school. The aim was to explore how the initiative ... -
The road to becoming fossil-free: the strategy governing the transport sector’s transformation in Norrbotten, Sweden
(2022-08-16)Sweden has been praised for its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and now faces the self-claimed challenge of becoming the first fossil-free welfare state in the world by 2045. While the transport sector ...