Skörda - a concept for indoor growing
In my project I have been focusing on facilitating and shorten the step for people who don’t have the knowledge, or have a small interest in cultivation, to dare to take the step to start growing vegetables. With the concept I want to simplify and in a joyful way show the possibilities to be able to grow a small yield of vegetables in a home environment. Growing is something people have done for thousands of years, but the last 50 years, a rapid change has occurred in how people live. More and more people are moving to the cities where cultivation is limited and in some cases impossible. To have a garden or allotment is a rare luxury in an increasing crowded urban environment. What has been the natural way of providing food for humans have been replaced with the supermarkets convenience, but the there is a longing to once again reconnect with our food’s origin.
Product and system design, individual’s role in the community, simplicity, home growing and joyful.
Student essay
Bergström, Maria
DM - CCD 2012