Kandidatuppsatser i journalistik: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 141
Det miljöjournalistiska arbetet
(2022-09-16)Abstract Title: Det miljöjournalistiska arbetet – En kvalitativ undersökning om miljö- och klimatjournalistik ur ett redaktionellt perspektiv Authors: Hanna Josefsson och Miranda Smedberg Level: Bachelor thesis in ... -
Vad kostar kriminaljournalistiken? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om svenska kriminaljournalisters arbetssituation
(2022-04-01)The aim of this study is to look into the work conditions of eight Swedish crime journalists and investigate how they experience their work environment, the support from employees, their safety and how they are coping ... -
”Av män, för män och om män” - En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om könsrepresentation i sportjournalistiken
(2022-03-31)Aim of thesis: The aim of this study is to investigate and acquire knowledge about how often and in what way women, compared to men, are portrayed in local newspapers online sports sections and the underlying editorial ... -
Är Forsberg alltid en bättre nyhet än Seger? - En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av nyhetsrapporteringen från EM i herrfotboll och OS i damfotboll 2021
(2022-03-22)Aim of thesis: The purpose of this study is to examine how equal Swedish sports journalism was during the summer of 2021, focusing especially on football. By examining the reporting of the Swedish national teams and ... -
Rapporteringen om våldtäkter under pandemin – En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av rapporteringen om våldtäkter under coronaåret 2020 i jämförelse med 2019
(2022-03-22)In 2020, when the corona pandemic swept across the world, restrictions were introduced that regulated the way people socialized. Some of the regulations were that night clubs closed, festivals and concerts were canceled ... -
När publiken får makten - En kvalitativ studie över hur klick och annan webbstatistik påverkar nyhetsvärderingen på svenska lokaltidningar
(2022-03-14)The aim of this study was to investigate how a strategic selection of journalists at Swedish local newspapers perceive that the significance of audience demand, expressed through web statistics and clicks, influences ... -
”Were you able to wear undergarments?” - En kvalitativ studie av intervjuer med kvinnliga och manliga skådespelare inom Marvel Cinematic Universe
(2022-02-24)Aim of thesis: The purpose of this study is to explore whether female and male actors get treated differently by entertainment journalists during press junket interviews and to see when and how gender is defined and created ... -
Granskande hantverkare och neutrala spårhundar? - En studie av svenska journaliststudenters yrkesideal och förebilder
(2022-02-24)The aim of the thesis is to examine journalism students' views on journalistic ideals and if they have any role models. By seeing how students value different journalistic ideals, this thesis aims to examine if the students ... -
“En talare åt gången” - En kvantitativ undersökning av hur manliga och kvinnliga politiker avbryts i 2010-talets slutdebatter i Sveriges Television
(2022-02-24)Aim of thesis: The aim of the essay is to investigate whether female and male party leaders are being interrupted equally, during the 2010s final debates in Sveriges Television (SVT). This, due to Public Service’s ... -
Facit till framgång - En kvalitativ studie kring vad som enligt arbetsgivare krävs för att bli anställd som reporter
(2022-02-24)This is a qualitative study that aims to investigate which skills and characteristics that are crucial for being employed as a reporter at a newsroom in Sweden today, and how an ideal reporter is described from the ... -
Hjältar, offer eller helt vanligt folk? - En studie om hur svensk public service-media förhåller sig till funktionsnormen utifrån uppdraget att spegla hela Sverige.
(2021-03-04)Aim of thesis: Many studies, including Ljuslinder (2002), have revealed that disabled people are seriously underrepresented in media. The aim of this study is to examine what strategies Swedish public service-media use ... -
(2021-03-04)Our aim with this scientific study is to investigate how the editorial writers in Sweden position themselves, in relation to the governing power during times of crisis. We hope with this study to shine light upon the ... -
“Det här programmet kommer att handla om en hemsk och ovanlig händelse” - En kvalitativ studie av Lilla Aktuellts krisjournalistik
(2021-03-04)The aim of this thesis is to exam crisis journalism for children in Sweden. It focuses on the Swedish public service television news program Lilla Aktuellt, which is an established news medium aimed towards children. ... -
Influencers – den partiska nyhetsjournalistiken - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om påverkan av influencers hos unga tjejer inför partivalet i Sverige 2018.
(2021-03-04)Aim of thesis: This study aims to examine how young girls are affected by influencers talking about politics on their social media before elections. In recent times, it has become more common to see various parties and ... -
BLACK LIVES MATTER Krossade rutor eller fredliga demonstrationer? - En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svenska nyhetstidningars porträttering av Black Lives Matter och demonstrationerna till stöd för rörelsen.
(2021-03-04)The purpose of this study is to examine how five Swedish newspapers portrayed the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and supporting demonstrations during a time period between May 25th and June 14th, 2020. The theory ... -
49 kommuner och kampen mot klockan - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur SVT Nyheter Västs journalister ser på sitt public service-uppdrag i relation till geografisk representation
(2021-03-04)Aim of thesis: The aim of this study is to investigate how the journalists at SVT Nyheter Väst experience their public service assignment in relation to geographical representation of the published news. We will fulfill ... -
Mediebilden under pandemin – Hur rapporteras krisen? - En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av material från de skandinaviska länderna
(2021-03-04)The purpose of this quantitative study is to find out how the media image of Sweden, Norway and Denmark has been framed by the leading evening press in the other countries during the initial three months of the COVID-19 ... -
Det svenska undantaget - En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om bilden av Sverige i internationella medier under coronapandemin 2020.
(2021-03-03)The aim of this study is to examine the international digital media image of Sweden during the corona crisis of 2020. The purpose is to gain knowledge about how the corona pandemic has affected the perception of Sweden ... -
Vad i Väst är bäst? -En studie om SVT Västs bevakning av kommuner i Västra Götaland
(2021-02-05)The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Sveriges Television, specifically Lokala Nyheter Väst, is distributing its news between the 49 different municipalities in the Västra Götaland county in terms of frequency, ... -
”Varför är det så tyst från Tegnell för tillfället? Har han blivit sjuk?” - En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av deltagarjournalistiken i Aftonbladets liveflöde om coronapandemin.
(2021-02-05)The purpose of this study is to analyze the live feed used on Aftonbladet’s website during the corona pandemic and investigate how inviting the audience to participate with their own content affects the crisis journalism. ...