Kandidatuppsatser /Institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 57
On Predicating Is it done non-committally?
(2023-01-24)Two proponents of the Act-Based view on propositions, Hanks and Soames, have taken two different stances on how we should view predication. Soames views it as a non-committal act and Hanks views it as a committal act. Hanks ... -
Neo-Aristotelian naturalism in light of the modal explanatory account
(2023-01-20)Neo-Aristotelian naturalism is a metaethical theory that takes moral virtue to be a form of natural goodness in human beings, comparable to deep roots in oaks. The theory evaluates a particular species' goods and defects ... -
Moraliska intuitioner och normativa teorier: Kan konsekventialismen få stöd av vetenskapen?
(2023-01-20)Peter Singer och Joshua Greene använder neurovetenskap och evolutionspsykologi för att ar- gumentera för att moraliska intuitioner generellt är otillförlitliga vilket innebär att vi inte bör basera moraliska omdömen på ... -
Models, Keys, and Cryptanalysis: Evaluating historical statistical language models in cryptanalysis of homophonic substitution ciphers
(2023-01-19)This thesis presents an empirical study connected to historical cryptography and especially within the framework of the research project DECRYPT. One of the research questions in the DECRYPT project relates to the use of ... -
The Emperor's Free Will
(2022-08-25)Free will has commonly been used in the philosophical community to justify and ground the concept of moral responsibility. I will attempt to argue that this connection is unjustified. I begin in section 2 by establishing ... -
Sense and Sensitivity: Exploring how Neural Machine Translation Systems Handle Slurs
(2022-08-12)The rise of streaming platforms such as Netflix and HBO has brought a surge in audiovisual content to be translated. While the translation industry at large have adopted machine translation (MT) as a tool to meet the ... -
Forced to Sell or Forced to Give: Assessing whether autonomy-based arguments justify prohibiting paid living organ donation while permitting unpaid living organ donation
(2022-06-23)In the debate on the permissibility of a regulated market in human organs it is usually assumed that autonomy-based arguments that prohibit such a market solely affect the act of selling an organ, while the act of giving ... -
Intellectual Humility: What Does It Mean to Be Intellectually Humble?
(2022-06-22)This paper is an attempt to answer the question: What is intellectual humility? My main focus will be on two different contemporary accounts of intellectual humility – Whitcomb et al.’s Limitations-Owning Account and ... -
Språkattityder kring benämningar på sexuella läggningar: en enkätstudie
(2022-03-11)Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka attityder till ord som betecknar sexuell läggning och hur dessa attityder är kopplade till egen identitet och hur användaren av uttrycken identifieras. Jag vill med hjälp av ... -
On the possibility of property composition: A metaphysical investigation of submergent properties in top-down and bottom-up approaches to quantum mechanics
(2022-01-25)In Schaffer’s Monism: priority of the whole (2010) an argument from quantum entanglement in favour of priority monism is put forward. The argument is based on quantum entanglement being a case of emergence and can loosely ... -
Phasal Polarity in Swahili
(2021-09-01)This scope of this essay is to investigate and systematically describe a set of linguistic items in Swahili expressing Phasal Polarity (PhP), i.e. the notions of ‘NOT YET’, ‘ALREADY, ‘STILL’, and ‘NO LONGER’. An extensive ... -
Förnuft & känsla - Strategier för att bemöta och förebygga post-sanning i skolan
(2021-04-21)Dagens samhälle präglas av post-sanning och att sanningspåståenden i allt högre grad underbyggs av känslor istället för fakta. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka kopplingen mellan post-sanningssamhället och kritiskt ... -
Coherence & Isolation
(2021-02-12)Coherence theories of justification seem to be plagued by a problem of isolation, which says that mere internal coherence within a belief system leaves the system more or less disconnected from reality. Prima facie a system ... -
The grounding-causation disanalogy: a critical look at causation as a guide to grounding
(2020-11-06)De senaste åren har begreppet »grundande« väckt allt större intresse hos metafysiker. Grundande är tänkt att vara en separat typ av metafysisk bestämning. Γ sägs grunda γ när γ existerar eller är på ett visst sätt »i kraft ... -
Rhetorical questions as enthymetatic arguments - An interactional approach
(2020-10-01)Purpose: Presenting an exploratory study of rhetorical questions from an interactional perspective. Theory: Rhetorical questions are analyzed in the framework of dialogical reasoning using the notions of enthymemes and ... -
(2020-09-11)SAMMANDRAG SOCIOEKONOMISK STATUS OCH EPIGENETIK - Ett omaka par eller en oskiljbar duo? ÄMNE: Liberal Arts INSTITUTION: Institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori, Göteborgs universitet, Maj 2020 HANDLEDARE: ... -
NON-EVIL MURDER? A study of different moral judgements in Agatha Christie's Appointment with Death and Evil under the Sun.
(2020-09-04)Denna uppsats utforskar konceptet ondskefullt agerande i två Agatha Christie-romaner med detektiven Hercule Poirot, Appointment with Death (1938) och Evil under the Sun (1941) (svenska titlar Döden till mötes respektive ... -
(2020-07-13)In his Ethica, Peter Abelard argues for consent as the only criterion for moral evaluation. This argument of Abelard seems to present his ethical system as subjective and therefore cannot be put into practice. This paper ... -
Slurs and Meaning
(2020-05-25)This essay examines the semantics-pragmatics divide in some recent articles about slurs. The semantic accounts suggesting a hybrid semantic meaning as well as the accounts that wish to include the notion of linguistic ...