Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för språk och litteraturer: Recent submissions
Now showing items 361-380 of 684
Acquisition of giving verbs in Japanese by Swedish students
(2014-09-24)This is a study of Japanese giving verbs and how Swedish university students acquire them. Japanese giving verbs are known to be complicated by involving the notions of uchi and soto, and difficult for foreigners to learn. ... -
En nordisk boom i Japan. En språkvetenskaplig analys av Nordenbilden i japansk nyhetsmedia och reselitteratur
(2014-09-24)På senare år har intresset för Norden och nordiska varor exploderat i Japan och allt fler nordiska företag väljer att introducera sig på den japanska marknaden. Den här tvecklingen har kallats “en nordisk boom” i japansk ... -
Cruel Translator's Thesis. A comparative translational analysis of a professional and a fan-made subtitle of Neon Genesis Evangelion
(2014-09-24)This study will investigate the relationship between a fan translation and an official, professional translation of a Japanese anime, both in a cultural and qualitative context. Do fan translations do more to bring out the ... -
In Defense of Violent Fiction The why’s and values of violent and ‘immoral’ fiction.
(2014-07-04)Abstract: This essay aims to answer two related questions; why are people able to accept actions of fictional characters that deviate from normal morality, and why works of fiction which invite such a response can be ... -
¡Mira, así es Latinoamérica! - Un análisis visual de imágenes en dos manuales de español como lengua moderna especializado en representaciones de Latinoamérica.
(2014-07-04)I denna uppsats studeras hur den latinamerikanska kulturen framställs visuellt i läroböcker i spanska som modernt språk samt förekomsten av stereotypa och/eller eurocentriska framställningar. I gymnasieskolans ämnesplan ... -
El narrador múltiple en “La señorita Cora” de Julio Cortázar Análisis de la representación literaria de una sociedad jerarquizada.
(2014-07-04)Novellsamlingen "Todos los fuegos el fuego" (utgiven 1966) kom att bekräfta den ideologiska hållning Julio Cortázar intog efter den självvalda exilen i Frankrike. Man kan spåra Cortázars ideologi i "Reunión", en av samlingens ... -
“La escritura vista como un reloj que avanza” Un análisis intermedial de la novela Dublinesca
(2014-07-04)Genom en analys av Enrique Vila-Matas bok Dublinesca ämnar föreliggande interdisciplinära uppsats undersöka intermediala relationer med fokus på kultur- och identitetsproblematik. Detta överliggande perspektiv kopplas ... -
La estereotipación de la mujer en Mafalda
(2014-07-04)The main objective of this study is to provide a quantitative analysis of female stereotypes present in the graphic novel Mafalda by Quino. The corpus is extracted from the compilation of comic strips Mafalda Todas las ... -
Dualism in Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest
(2014-07-04)Abstract: In this essay I explore the dualism in Oscar Wilde’s most famous society comedy The Importance of Being Earnest. My thesis is that Wilde employed the well-established Late Victorian concept of double identity as ... -
Tag questions in sport television broadcasting - A gender study
(2014-07-03)Abstract: The present study examines tag questions in relation to sport television broadcasting and its hosts. The material was provided by Liverpool Football Club’s own television channel, LFC TV, and consists of 24 ... -
La relation identitaire avec une langue imposée, une étude sur le français et l’identité ivoirienne
(2014-07-03)Ce mémoire aborde le sujet de la relation identitaire avec une langue imposée. Le français est introduit en Côte d’Ivoire pendant l’ère coloniale et il est toujours la langue officielle du pays. Le but du mémoire est ... -
Normen des öffentlichen Sprachgebrauchs - Ein Vergleich der Empfehlungen des behördlichen Schriftverkehrs in Schweden und Deutschland und inwieweit sie befolgt werden
(2014-07-03)I denna uppsats så jämförs och analyseras de rekommendationer som finns gällande den offentliga förvaltningens skriftspråk. Vidare så jämförs även huruvida de offentliganställda följer dessa rekommendationer. De tyska ... -
Att översätta Migrationsverket - översättningsstrategier vid överföring av egennamn, institutionella termer och kulturspecifika termer till arabiska
(2014-07-03)Uppsatsen undersöker vilka strategier som använts för att överföra egennamn, institutionella termer och kulturspecifika termer till arabiska i översättningen av Migrationsverkets informationsmaterial. De val av ... -
Modality in an android's speech. How modal verbs relate to an android's ability to feel emotions
(2014-06-30)The aim of this essay is to examine how and to what extent the modality in the fictional android Data's language changed when he went from incapable to capable of experiencing human emotions. Focus is on subjective, objective ... -
Bad Language in Reality: A study of swear words, expletives and gender in reality television
(2014-04-28)This essay is a study on swearing in modern English on television from a sociolinguistic point of view, taking into account the effect that variables such as nationality, social class and gender might have on the expletive ... -
Media Violence and Power in Suzanne Collin's Hunger Games Trilogy. On The Hunger Games and the Media in American Society
(2014-03-26)Suzanne Collin's young adult novels of The Hunger Games trilogy present a dystopian adventure tale through the eyes of a teenage girl. The novels lift several topics such as the media spectacle, totalitarian government, ... -
Shakespeare's King Lear: The True Nature of Cordelia
(2014-03-18)This essay explores the nature of Cordelia, the youngest daughter of King Lear in the tragedy with the same name, written by William Shakespeare. Cordelia has often been portrayed as flawless, a “Virgin Mary”, a view that ... -
Do the Speeches of Japanese Female Politicians Feature Japanese Women's Language? -Political Language from a Gender Perspective
(2014-03-04)This thesis focuses on so called Japanese women’s language by analysing Japanese female politicians’ language use in written speeches. Compared to the rest of the world there is a severe lack of female politicians in the ...