Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för språk och litteraturer: Recent submissions
Now showing items 641-660 of 684
Language use in metal song Lyrics: A study of the song lyrics of the Swedish power metal band Falconer
(2010-10-15)This investigation shows that the lyrics of power metal can deal with a wide range of topics; from love, freedom and oppression to grief, greed and poverty. The level of language is high, without many mistakes and with ... -
Stylistic Functions of the Creative Collocations and Wordplay in Salman Rushdie´s Novel "The Moor's Last Sigh"
(2010-10-15)Salman Rushdie’s prose is celebrated by many critics for its creativity on the whole, and linguistic creativity, in particular. In the essay, some examples of the unusual collocations and wordplay in the novel The Moor’s ... -
Representations of ethnicity in stand-up Comedy
(2010-10-15)This study has two main aims: (1) to look at, and analyze, how language is used in stand-up comedy in order to portray characters of different ethnicity, and (2) to look at how these characters are portrayed and what images ... -
Social Class in the Simpsons
(2010-10-15)Since the media’s representation of language and social class can maintain and reinforce attitudes and values in society, the purpose of this essay is to describe how social class is depicted in selected episodes of The ... -
Students' Learning Style and Spelling Ability
(2010-10-15)There is a connection between students’ learning style and their spelling ability. Good spellers are more likely to be visual, random, deductive and abstract. Furthermore, it is showed that poor spellers are kinesthetic ... -
WoWspeak: From L337 Language to the Game
(2010-10-15)The aim of this study is to analyse the language used in chat channels of World of Warcraft to illustrate that players of World of Warcraft have adapted L337 language in order to suit their specific requirements in the ... -
Nothing is Evil in the Beginning
(2010-10-15) -
Islam, väst och patriarkatet. Den egyptiska debatten om Familjelagstiftningen.
(2010-10-04)Egyptens familjelagstiftning baseras på šari‘alag som har sin tolkningsgrund i den sunnitiska hanafitiska lagskolan, men innehåller också inslag ur den shafi‘itiska-, den malikitiska- och den hanbalitiska skolan. Ett ... -
Tala är guld? Om flerspråkighet och den tysta perioden
(2010-08-26)Uppsatsen undersöker förekomsten av två olika former av tyst period bland flerspråkigt uppväxande barn med nederländska som ett av språken. Vidare undersöks vilka faktorer som skulle kunna bidra till att vissa barn har en ... -
Korpusundersökning av ordet hoegenaamd i afrikaans
(2010-08-26)I denna kandidatuppsats (skriven i Gent under våren 2010) undersöks ordet hoegenaamd i afrikaans. Det är ett så kallat negativ-polärt uttryck, det vill säga, ett ord som förekommer i negativa kontexter eller kontexter med ... -
Thomas Hardy's Goddess: A Mythological Reading of "Tess of the d'Urbervilles"
(2010-08-04)This essay strives to make a re-definition of Thomas Hardy's classic heroine Tess, from "Tess of the d'Urbervilles", an archetypal example of a fallen woman. The fallen woman was a phenomenon of Victorian culture, a puritan ... -
To Follow the Direction of The Golden Compass. How to help pupils with their search for identity through literature.
(2010-08-04)The purpose of this essay is to show why and how you should use literature and in particular the novel The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman in the English language classroom. The fact that the novel belongs to the fantasy ... -
Irony in online reviews: A linguistic approach to identifying irony
(2010-08-04)Several NLP-applications could benefit from identifying irony. Currently there is no process for doing so automatically. My findings suggest that irony occurs in up to 8.5% of online reviews. I identify three groups of ... -
Computer-Mediated Communication: A Study of Language Variation on Internet Chat
(2010-06-18)The aim of this study is to discern and examine the linguistic features that are peculiar to the kind of written English used in online chatrooms using the following research question: What characterizes and distinguishes ... -
"Was uns nicht umbringt..." Zur literarischen Verarbeitung von Gewalt in den autobiografischen Romanen "Das verborgene Wort" und "Aufbruch" von Ulla Hahn
(2010-06-17)Die Arbeit untersucht literarische Stilmittel in den autobiografischen Romanen Hahns. Es wird herausgearbeitet, wie die Schilderung von Misshandlung und Gewalterfahrung mit der Entwicklung eines empathischen Sichtweise auf ... -
A Thread Of Manipulation & Staged Chance. An interpretation of Paul Auster's The New York Trilogy
(2010-06-17)This essay makes sense of a confusing book that resists interpretation by putting the three novels in the trilogy into context with one another. The main idea is that they are all one and the same story told from different ...