Swedish Consumers’ Trust in Beef - Implications for sustainable beef on the Swedish market
Swedish organic beef is the most environmentally and animal friendly meat a consumer can purchase today. Despite this fact, consumption of beef can be divided into two groups. The first group is price oriented, and the other group focus on sustainable consumption. What underlying factors drive the two groups to consumption on the Swedish beef market today? Our early beliefs were that different factors, and not only price were to be considered.
The aim of this article was to gain understanding of how consumer routines, marketing efforts, price of beef, and consumer awareness of the KRAV organisation affect consumer perceptions of different types of beef.
The study is qualitative and exploratory. The empirical data was conducted with semi-structured interviews. The data found in interviews was analysed with Grounded theory, in order to fulfil the purpose mentioned above. The result states that Swedish consumers have a strong confidence in the Swedish farmers and supermarkets. Trust is the main single attribute uncovered by this study that affects consumers’ perception of beef, and beef consumption.
Master 2-years
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MSc in Marketing and Consumption
Tengå, Hugo
Carlén, Linus
Master Degree Project