Ett företags intentioner och nyanställdas upplevelser i samband med introduktion En kvalitativ intervjustudie om organisationssocialisation
This is a thesis based on a study about organizational socialization and concerns a company’s
intentions as well as new employees’ experiences during introduction. The study had four different
purposes. First, it was to examine what Mölnlycke Health Care wished to achieve with its
introduction as well as what they wished new employees should incorporate during introduction.
Second, the purpose was to understand how new employees at the same company have perceived how the
introduction has changed them. Third, the purpose was to find out which experiences new employees
considered important in their introduction at Mölnlycke Health Care. Finally, the last purpose of
the study was to discuss how the company’s intentions and the new employees’ experiences were
related to each other. Previous research has primarily focused on different socialization tactics
and which result they lead to concerning new employees (e.g. van Maanen & Schein, 1979; Jones,
1986; Allen & Meyer, 1990). Thus, this research has in this study been complemented with more
knowledge regarding new employees’ experiences of socialization and change during the introduction
to an organization, and been related to the organization's intentions. This study has been
conducted by eleven qualitative semi-structured interviews; ten with new employees and one with two
representatives of the Human Resources Department at Mölnlycke Health Care’s headquarters. The
result of the study showed that the company’s intentions were that new employees would fit into the
company’s culture, to communicate particular experiences of the company, to give the new employees
a good start and furthermore give them the feeling of being seen. The new employees’ only perceived
a marginal change, but the result still showed several changes. These changes were the
incorporation of the company's core values, that the new employees gave more feedback,
were more performance driven, had a changed view of work time and took fewer initiatives. Important
experiences for the new employees were the insecurity regarding expectations, relationships with colleagues, to have internal networks, that the company’s hierarchy was low and organizational support.
Student essay
Hallberg, Rebecca
Berg, Hanna
new employees