Browsing Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för historiska studier by Subject "archaeology"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Hur vi tolkar ritual - om tolkningen av arkeologiskt material som ritualiserat
(2020-11-11)This essay aims to analyse how different archaeologists interpret archaeological remains as ritualistic. It compares different definitions of rituality in archaeology as well as Catherine Bells definition of ritualisation ... -
Metoder för inlärning av svensk förhistoria. En undersökning av vilka metoder som används vid inlärning av förhistoria på grundskolan
(2022-03-10)The purpose of this essay is to understand what methods are used to mediate prehistory in school and if teachers favour interactive or more traditional methods. A qualitative semi structured interview was conducted, five ... -
Ur ett annat perspektiv - Arkeologi och kulturarv ur jordbrukares synvinkel.
(2020-03-11)Farmers and archaeologists have one particular thing in common, they both play an important role in the management and preservation of our common physical cultural heritage in the landscapes. But is there any cooperation ...