How Do Entrepreneurs Utilize and Develop. A gender perspective in the textile region of Borås
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to contribute with knowledge for understanding how entrepreneurs develop and utilize professional networks including an analysis of how they exploit experiences obtained during the pre-history of their ventures in textiles in Borås. This research will not only gather knowledge and understanding about how a network in general are developed and utilized but also about differences between male and female entrepreneurs in a textile cluster. Hopefully this research will enhance the understanding of how to support small ventures in expanding their network building on the strengths emanating from the pre-history of entrepreneurs.
Method: A qualitative study with 12 semi structured interviews with textile entrepreneurs in Borås.
Results: The result from this report showed that the entrepreneurs utilize their pre-history resources and capabilities in order to develop their venture and network. The reliance on family, friends and the ability of having a mentor are crucial for acquiring a rewarding and beneficial network. The level of trust between the actors is vital in order to establish long - term relationships in a professional network as well as for developing a personal brand. Being a part of the embedded structure through networking in the region of Borås facilitates the access to a broad set of resources, including social capital. The results show few differences between male and female entrepreneurs, when it comes to their utilization of professional networks. The main difference lies in the way that entrepreneurs seek new resources. Females tend to have a more careful, prudent and thoughtful approach while male entrepreneurs tend to have a more trial and error approach.
Conclusion: The companies within the textile region of Borås are characterized by the so called “Knalleanda” which can be described as a tradition of having a particularly independent mindset as an entrepreneur from this region. This tradition may affect the characteristics of the networks between textile companies due to competition and lack of integration. However, the conclusion of the research in this thesis are that the entrepreneurs
represented in this study shows no hesitation in participating or joining organizations, such as Marketplace, nor interacting with likeminded actors, for example other textile entrepreneurs. This research has contributed with knowledge to Tillväxtverkets call for studies that investigates growth in textile ventures as well as studies for understanding female entrepreneurship.
Master 2-years
Hermanson, Ida
Master Degree Project