Men det är väl bra för själen tänker jag, även om det inte är det för plånboken - En studie om Generation Y och deras ideella arbete
A new generation has entered the labour market. The group is presented as Generation Y and
is described as egocentric, spoiled, unloyal and money oriented. Lecturer advice companies
on how to understand and lead this new generation. The advisement creates stereotypical
characteristics of the group, which then reflects on the generations own identity development.
But aside the stereotypes that are created on the labour market, the generation puts a lot of
their spare time into volunteer work, which is seen as altruistic. This gives us a contradictory
portrayal of the new generation.
The purpose of this paper is to understand the factors that contribute to the voluntary work of
Generation Y and how the group experiences their own commitment. The study also intends
to find out the generations own conception of the volunteer work and how this manifests itself
in practice. This will be answered through the following questions:
- What factors influence and motivate generation Y to perform volunteer work?
- Can the general description of Generation Y discerned in the group's own perceptions
of voluntary commitment and how can this be expressed?
An interview study has been used to answer the research questions. Through the empirical
material can four keywords be identified: Identity, social relations, personal gain and
idealism. The keywords function together as factors that motivate the generation to continue
with their volunteer work. An analytical framework has been used to connect the four
keywords with the chosen sociological theory.
Student essay
Wiberg Cordero, Jennie
generation Y
ideellt arbete
socialt arbete