Person-centred care and self-efficacy - Experiences, measures and effects after an event of acute coronary syndrome
Person-centred care (PCC) highlights the importance of knowing the patient as a person and is a key
component in engaging the person as an active partner in health care and treatment to improve illness
management. Self-efficacy is a closely related concept to PCC as it refers to peoples’ beliefs in their
capability to influence events that affect their lives. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) events are associated
with arduous recovery and a PCC approach may facilitate self-efficacy beliefs and thereby improve health
and clinical outcomes.
The overall aim of this thesis was to build an understanding of patients’ prerequisites to collaborate as
partners in their care after an event of ACS and to evaluate measures and the effects of a PCC intervention
on self-efficacy and return to previous activity. Moreover, the goal was to identify if a person-centred
approach can facilitate the care chain from hospital, outpatient and primary care for patients with ACS.
A multi-method qualitative and quantitative approach was used to gather and analyse data. Study I involved
12 interviews with patients affected by ACS, which were analysed by the phenomenological hermeneutical
method. Study II consisted of a confirmatory factor data analysis of cardiac self-efficacy scale (CSES) data
from 288 patients with ACS. In Study III, 199 patients with ACS were enrolled in a randomised controlled
trial (RCT) evaluating the effects of a PCC intervention in a composite score of changes, including general
self-efficacy (GSE), return to work or prior activity level and rehospitalisation or death, which were
followed up at 6 months post-discharge from the hospital. Descriptive statistics, non-parametric tests and
logistic regression were used to analyse the data. In Study IV, the PCC intervention was evaluated against
the CSES in 177 of the 199 patients, who were included in the RCT. Data were analysed with descriptive
statistics and parametric tests.
The results showed that patients with ACS formulated personal models built on their understanding of how
they recognised, interpreted and responded to their illness early on during the hospitalisation. The Swedish
CSES was shown to be a valid and reliable measure to evaluate cardiac self-efficacy (CSE) in patients with
ACS. In the RCT, the composite score at 6 months showed that a higher number of participants in the PCC
group improved in comparison with the usual care group (22.3%, n=21 versus 9.5%, n=10; Odds ratio=2.7,
95% CI: 1.2–6.2; P=0.015). Separation of the composite score into each individual component showed that
GSE improved significantly in the PCC group (P=0.026). At the 4-week follow-up, the PCC group reported
improved scores in the symptom control dimension, indicating higher CSE [mean change (standard
deviation, SD)=0.81 (3.5)], while the control group reported worsening scores [mean change (SD)=−0.20
(3.0)]. The difference between groups was statistically significant (P=0.049).
The conclusion from this thesis is that patients with ACS formulate personal models which can be
integrated into a person-centred dialogue and the development of a personal health plan. Self-efficacy is a
valuable concept in PCC that can be used as an outcome measure of PCC interventions. A PCC approach
can advantageously be implemented in care of patients with ACS to encourage the improvement of patient
self-efficacy without worsening the clinical events.
I. Fors A, Dudas K, Ekman I. Life is lived forwards and understood backwards - Experiences of being affected by acute coronary syndrome: A narrative analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2014 Mar;51(3):430-7. ::PMID::23849045 II. Fors A, Ulin K, Cliffordson, Ekman I, Brink E. The Cardiac Self-Efficacy Scale, a useful tool with potential to evaluate person-centred care. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2014 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print] ::PMID::25149667 III. Fors A, Ekman I, Taft C, Björkelund C, Frid K, Larsson ME, Thorn J, Ulin K, Wolf A, Swedberg K. Person-centred care after acute coronary syndrome, from hospital to primary care - A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Cardiology. 2015 Mar 24;187:639-699. [Epub ahead of print] ::PMID::25919754 IV. Fors A, Taft C, Ulin K, Ekman I. Effects of person-centred care on cardiac self-efficacy after acute coronary syndrome - A randomised controlled trial. In manuscript.
Doctor of Philosophy (Health Care Sciences)
University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy
Institute of Health and Care Sciences
Fredagen den 12 juni 2015, kl. 9.00, hörsal 2118, Arvid Wallgrens backe, hus 2, Göteborg
Datum för disputation
Fors, Andreas
acute coronary syndrome
cardiac rehabilitation
person-centred care
phenomenological hermeneutics
psychometric validation
randomised controlled trial
Doctoral thesis