The Effect of Corruption on Firm Performance. A case study of Brazil
This thesis investigates the effect of corruption on firm performance for enterprises in Brazil.
Corruption is measured by the amount of bribe payments and corporate performance by the
amount of total annual firm sales. For this specific study I used the Enterprise Survey data set
which was published by the World Bank in 2009. The data set contains firm-level data on
1,802 non-agricultural enterprises in Brazil. The econometric analysis applies both the
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method and the instrument variable (IV) method. The findings
suggest a positive significant relationship between administrative corruption and firm
performance, i.e. total firm sales increase with bribe payments. An increase in informal
payments by one unit (here: US$ 1,000) leads to an increase in the total sales by 0.4% in the
OLS model and to an increase in sales by 4.5% in the IV approach. Differentiating between
the relative sizes of informal payments revealed a pattern in the results: the positive effect on
the performance is smaller for firms paying 1% or more of their sales in bribes than for those
that pay a smaller share. The results are robust and were controlled for various factors and
also for different fixed effects.
Master 2-years
Logemann, Michael
Master Degree Project