Faktorer för att uppnå en framgångsrik samverkan mellan IT och verksamhet En kvalitativ fallstudie av implementering av ett interorganisatoriskt IT-system inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården
Factors in achieving successful collaboration between IT and organization A qualitative case study of the implementation of an inter-organizational IT system in the Swedish health care
IT is a big part of every organization and because of this a very important aspect of the daily
work processes and could generate great advantages for organizations. For an investment in
IT to generate advantages it’s not enough to solely invest in technology but the organization
also needs to focus on how users and the organization uses the technology. An IT-investment
could be equalized to an organizational change, as it is not only technological changes that
are made but also in routines, processes and other organizational changes. Organizations and
systems are becoming more complex and it is increasingly common that organizations
implement inter-organizational systems (IOS) to facilitate information exchange. To
implement an IOS is a greater challenge than implementing a system covering just one
organization because multiple organizations have several different goals and needs which can
lead to conflicts and resistance.The ami of this study is to investigate how organizations could succeed in collaboration
between the IT-department and the organization when implementing an inter-organizational
system. For an organization to create the advantages desired when making an IT-investment
there must be a high level of alignment, which is partially created by how the organization
and the IT-department is collaborating. If the organization and the IT-department have good
collaboration chances of reaching the greatest possible advantages increase significantly. To
reach its goal this study is based on the following research question: Which are the success
factors to achieve a successful collaboration between IT and organization?
The study shows that it is not possible to achieve successful collaboration if IT and
organization doesn’t have a continuous cooperation and drives changes together. If IT and
organization have a good collaboration chances of implementing a system well suited for its
organizational environment increase significantly. It takes good communication and a mutual
vision to have good cooperation. When it comes to implementing an IOS the managers of
every organization have a great responsibility, as it is more difficult for an IT-department to
have an active cooperation with all of the organizations. Because of this a conclusion of this
study is that managers in this type of change have a very important role as their dedication
and attitude is crucial for the success of the change.
Student essay
Meding, Erika
inter-organizational systems
organizational development
Mastersuppsats i Informatik