Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 201-220 av 787
Sport Has Never Been Modern
(2013-04-15)Sport has often been understood as a set of formalised physical contests, and moreover as something inherently modern. New conceptions of the term implicates that sport ought to comprise all physical activity. However, the ... -
Language learning and technology. Student activities in web-based environments
(2013-04-03)The impact of the web as a communicative arena, based on the use of social software, has changed conditions for communication on all levels of society; privately, at work and in education. This has opened up for multicultural ... -
Immigrant Groups and Cognitive Tests – Validity Issues in Relation to Vocational Training
(2013-04-02)Psychologists at the Employment Service use cognitive tests to assess suitable work or training areas. The tests are standardized on a Swedish population and possible differences in cognitive constructs, prognostic properties ... -
Nutrition in Olympic Combat Sports. Elite athletes’ dietary intake, hydration status and experiences of weight regulation
(2013-03-22)There are a number of sports in which competition is conducted with weight limits or weight classes. In one-on-one combative sport, such rules are enforced to create an equal playing level and minimize the risk of injury ... -
On the Validity of Reading Assessments: Relationships Between Teacher Judgements, External Tests and Pupil Self-Assessments
(2013-02-04)The purpose of this thesis is to examine validity issues in different forms of assessments; teacher judgements, external tests, and pupil self-assessment in Swedish primary schools. The data used were selected from a ... -
Gymnasieelever samtalar kring facktexter. En studie av textsamtal med goda och svaga läsare
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2005) -
El uso de combinaciones de palabras con que en un corpus de aprendices suecos de español como lengua extranjera
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2013)Previous research in phraseological studies has approached the difficulties that learners of foreign and second languages have to produce word combinations derived from idiomatic- or phraseological principles. Using the ... -
Studies in Pest Control for Cultural Property
(2012-12-05)This volume considers discrete problems of protecting cultural property from pests and examines some of the solutions. Recent decades have seen a large change in how fumigants and pesticides are used in collections of ... -
In Search of a Predecessor to a Ruthenian Tetraevangel
(Göteborg; Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2012)That errors and omissions occur in a text, copied by hand during centuries is a well-known phenomenon. This circumstance was also manifested in a Church Slavonic tetraevangelium, Evangelium Cyrillicum, of the end of the ... -
Contextualizing inquiry. Negotiations of tasks, tools and actions in an upper secondary classroom.
(2012-11-27)The challenges for education in contemporary society are complex. The emergence of the post-industrial society – an information- or knowledge society, where the development of digital technologies are pivotal – have altered ... -
Idén om en skola för alla och specialpedagogisk organisering i praktiken
(2012-11-19)Based on the assumption that inclusive schools, sometimes put in terms of ‘schools for all’ – i.e. the quest to create and maintain everyone’s learning, participation and social development in school – is a somewhat ... -
Variation och invarians i Maria Montessoris sinnestränande materiel
(2012-10-20)The purpose of this study was to analyse the Montessori pedagogy with the objective to theoretically describe and explain the Montessori pedagogical method. The aim has been to find an answer to what still makes the ... -
Actes du XVIIIe congrès des romanistes scandinaves/Actas del XVIII congreso de romanistas escandinavos
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2012)These papers were originally presented at the XVIIIe conference on Romance language research in Scandinavia that took place at the University of Gothenburg August 9–12, 2011, bringing together researchers from Danish, ... -
Self-awareness and self-knowledge in professions. Something we are or a skill we learn
(2012-10-04)This study explores how issues associated with the professional as a person can be dealt with in professional education. It has been done by exploring what participants learn in a course of personal development with ... -
Bonadsmåleri under lupp: Spektroskopiska analyser av färg och teknik i sydsvenska bonadsmålningar 1700-1870
(2012-10-02)The objects of this PhD thesis are Southern Swedish painted wall-hangings: folk art paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries. The aim and objective of the study are: to investigate the construction and manufacturing ... -
Negotiating ‘Culture’, Assembling a Past: the Visual, the Non-Visual and the Voice of the Silent Actant
(2012-09-12)The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the processes surrounding the creation of a scientific visual representation, where, both in the practical creation of this visualisation and in the way it is communicated, ... -
Tecknad tomboy – kalejdoskopiskt kön i manga för tonåringar
(2012-08-22) -
Flerspråkiga barn i förskolan: Villkor för deltagande och lärande
(2012-08-17)The aim of this research was to study the learning conditions in preschool that support young multilingual children’s language and communicative development, and their participation in activities. A sociocultural theoretical ... -
Kontroversen om DAMP. En kontroversstudie av vetenskapligt gränsarbete och översättning mellan olika kunskapsparadigm
(2012-08-17)Title: The controversy of the Swedish neuropsychiatric diagnosis DAMP. A controversy study in scientific boundary work and translation between different paradigms of knowledge. Language: Swedish with an English ... -
Variation Theory and the Improvement of Teaching and Learning
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2012-07-05)