Browsing Magisteruppsatser / Institutionen för ekonomi och samhälle, avdelningen för ekonomisk historia (2013-) by Title
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Emigrants and Temporary Guest Workers - A different perspective on the Swedish-American migration 1880-1910
(2017-07-06)The general view of the Swedish-American emigration is based on the notion that most emigrants left Sweden for permanent settlement in the United States. Evidence also suggests that this conventional view of Swedish ... -
Finance Imperialism in British India - Profits from Indian equity on the London Stock Exchange 1900-1930
(2017-07-28)The theory of finance imperialism, according to common interpretations of Hobson and Lenin, posits that investments in formal empires should yield higher returns than investments in the imperial metropolis and foreign ... -
Utveckling, kapacitet och koordinering - Administrativ omorganisation på Papyrus AB mellan 1966-1974
(2017-07-28)Uppsatsen studerar administrativ utveckling på det svenska pappersbruket Papyrus mellan åren 1966 och 1974. Utifrån djupa studier av bevarade rapporter och rutiner avseende kontorsadministrativt arbete, specifikt rörande ...