Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 443
Teacher sorting and the opportunity gap: a cross-national investigation of institutional differentiation and educational equity
Inequitable access to teacher competence (‘teacher sorting’ or the teacher ‘opportunity gap’) is increasingly the focus of international educational bodies worldwide but is still relatively underexplored empirically. The ... -
Interaktionsmönster, social anpassning och emotioner i förskolan. En mikrosociologisk studie av interaktion mellan förskollärare och barn i målorienterade aktiviteter
The overarching aim of this thesis is to contribute knowledge about the interactions between preschool teachers and children in ongoing goal-oriented documentation activities in preschool. More specifically, the thesis ... -
Children retelling stories. Responding, reshaping, and remembering in early childhood education and care
(2022-11-14)Oral storytelling is a prevalent cultural practice for sense-making. Through stories, people get to know themselves, others, and the world around them. Children are introduced to this practice at home and in early childhood ... -
Everyday Language Practices and the Interplay of Ideologies, Investment and Identities - Out-of-School Language Use and Dispositions among Young Adolescents in Multilingual Urban Settings in Sweden
(2022-11-11)This thesis explores the out-of-school language use of young adolescents in contemporary multilingual urban neighborhoods, located in the three largest cities in Sweden. More specifically, the thesis explores the potential ... -
Teaching and learning mathematics with integrated small-group discussions. A learning study about scaling geometric figures
(2022-11-09)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the relationship between teaching and student learning in mathematics when small-group discussions are used in teaching. This thesis focuses on student ... -
Linking Recent and Older IEA Studies on Mathematics and Science
(2022-09-09)The purpose of this thesis was to develop procedures that allow researchers to make reasonable comparisons of grade-eight mathematics and science achievement and motivation scales over a long time period, despite changes ... -
Som att hålla tiden i sin hand – Didaktiskt perspektiv på muntligt berättande
(2022-08-19)Storytelling is deeply interwoven with the act of teaching and learning. Teachers tell stories and anecdotes within their everyday teaching practice. Previous research on teachers’ storytelling in the interdisciplinary ... -
Learning Principalship: Becoming a Principal in a Swedish Context
(2022-04-26)Novice principals are expected to acquire professional skills by participating in education. Consequently, expectations are set for principal education to support novice principals in how to take on principalship. The aim ... -
Digital studentkultur Om slutna grupper på Facebook som icke-formell arena i högre utbildning
(2022-03-31)Sedan Facebook lanserades i Sverige 2006 har plattformen vuxit dramatiskt och utgör numer det dominerande sociala mediet även för svenska studenter. I tidigare forskning har fokus i hög grad riktats mot möjliga pedagogiska ... -
Digitala sexuella trakasserier i skolan: Elevperspektiv på sexting, utsatthet och jämställdhet.
(2022-02-24)Att sexta, innebär att dela självproducerade foton eller videoklipp med naket eller halvnaket innehåll av sexuell karaktär. Delningen sker genom att en person själv skickar, tar emot eller vidarebefordra sexuella foton ... -
Epistemic beliefs and conceptions of competence in education for sustainable development
(2022-01-07)Education for sustainable development (ESD) raises critical questions regarding what knowledge should be taught and what the learning outcomes should be. The aim of this thesis is to explore epistemological, ethical and ... -
Seeing the parts, understanding the whole - A technology education perspective on teaching and learning in processes of analysing and designing programmed technological solutions
(2021-08-17)Analysing and designing Programmed Technological Solutions (PTS) has been introduced as a part of technology education in an effort to bring elements of programming into the curriculum for compulsory school, in order to ... -
Värsta bästa skolan – Om unga i förorten och segregation i skolan
(2021-05-27)This thesis addresses education and schooling for youth in a disadvantaged neighbourhood in Gothenburg, Sweden. Over the last two decades or so we have seen an increasing difference in students’ performance and background ... -
Exploring socioeconomic inequality in educational opportunity and outcomes in Sweden and beyond
(2021-05-17)This doctoral thesis aims to explore Sweden’s achievement gap in international assessment and how this may have developed in the context of a network of educational inequalities. Theoretically grounded in the Model of ... -
Contextual analysis: A research methodology and research approach
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2021)All scientific knowledge is analytic in a general sense. The knowledge is based on that parts of the world are discerned, investigated, and described, as research objects. Contextual analysis starts from a preliminary ... -
Den synliggjorda vokabulären och praktiken – gymnasieelevers akademiska skrivande på svenska
(2021-05-07)The thesis includes three studies and a kappa and it has a twofold focus; the first is on vocabulary, as the relevance of vocabulary skills is increasingly important, not least for writing in academic contexts. The second ... -
Running-related injuries among recreational runners
(2021-03-26)Background. It is important for improving and maintaining general health to engage in regular physical activity. A major barrier to retain in regular physical activity is quitting because of an injury. In running, one of ... -
Samtal under lärarlagsmöten. Diskursorienteringar i den professionella praktiken
(2021-03-25)Teacher team meetings are potential arenas for professional communication, but such meetings take many different forms and cannot automatically be viewed as forums for constructive communication. The aim of this study is ... -
Stability and Change
(2021-03-10)The key role Swedish upper secondary education plays in differentiating between higher education and labour market sectors has been discussed from an equality perspective over the last 60 years. Despite political incentives ... -
Meningsskapande samtal. En studie om barns meningsskapande med fokus på processer och innehåll relaterat till förskolans praktik
(2021-03-04)This thesis aims to contribute to the knowledge of children’s meaning-making by focusing on processes and content in preschool practice. Meaning-making is understood as a situated process that emerges in the mutual interplay ...