Den ofria viljan - En autoetnografisk studie om konstnärligt kunskapande och rum för blivanden
The objective of this autoethnographic study is to formulate didactic approaches
where space for the learners own thoughts and actions can be created. The study
aims at increasing the understanding of the potential effect of arts in the knowledgeproducing
process. A social constructionistic theory was applied in order to reveal accustomed
structures to facilitate change. And in the instances the social contructionistic theory
proved unsufficient, e.g. in connection to the relational reasonings, I was inspired by
a post-constructionist perspective since the relational dimension includes all living
creatures and all the materiality that they are surrounded by and where all these part
represent active agents in different intra-active actions. The autoethnographic method is a narrative method and it's represented by two
memory reconstructions from artistic and explorative works that were done with a
group of youths within a project. The autoethnographic narratives were then
examined through two artistic performative actions with an auto-affective method.
Parts of free flow writings conducted shortly after the performances have been used
in the study as a auto-affective narrative. These parts reveal structures and areas
where the didactics could be advanced in relation to the objective of the study. Via theories about will, becoming, spatiality, art, thinking and knowledge production
the study proposes a shift from a focus on methods to the teachers didactic position
and presents an example on how this could be achieved. The study also clarifies the
possibility of arts to have an impact in the society and in the knowledge-producing
process. Based on these parts a didactic position which promotes the learners
thinking and actions has been hammered out.
Student essay
Student essay
Johansson, Camilla
bilddidaktik, didaktik, konst, kunskapande, tillblivelse, auto-affektiv metodintra-aktion, autoetnografi, tillit utan grund, arbetsmarknadspoliskt ungdomsprojekt, rhizomatiskt tänkande,visuospatialt tänkande, didaktiskt gehör, efterskalv av det levda