Recognition of Supplier and Customer Relationships in Business Combination: A quantitative study of American acquisitions
While insights from business relationship literature indicate that relationships with suppliers and
customers are key value drivers in many companies, there is little insight as to how their value is
reflected in firms’ financial statements. Relationships can only be recognized as intangible assets
when they are acquired, which is usually done through a business combination. To provide a
better understanding of business relationships and how they are accounted for, we investigate
possible determinants that could affect the probability of relationships being recognized in
business combinations. Through logistic regression, we examine a sample of 516 business
combinations by publicly traded American companies during the period 2001-2011. We find that
the probability of allocation to these relationships is higher when the target firm operates in a
high-tech industry, and that its pre-acquisition profit margin has a positive impact on the
probability. Additionally, it is found that the likelihood of allocation to business relationships is
greater after the implementation of a revised version of SFAS 141, and when the acquirer and
target firm operates in different industries. We further find an interchange between allocation to
supplier and customer relationships, and allocation to other identifiable intangible assets.
However, no indication is found that the post, through its interchange with goodwill is associated
with accounting for certain incentives. The findings are of relevance to both relationship
literature, financial accounting literature and standard setters as they are some of the first
quantitative evidence of when customer and supplier relationships are recognized in business
Master 2-years
Övrig beskrivning
MSc in Accounting
Fredriksson, Jennie
Lorentsson, Martin
Supplier and customer relationships
intangible assets
business combinations
purchase price allocation
SFAS 141
Master Degree Project