How can a trash bag fee be implemented in Gothenburg? Investigating the innovation of implementing a fee based trash bag system in Gothenburg.
This study aims to find the answer on how the innovation of implementing a trash bag fee in Gothenburg is possible. Background information was used to review effects that can be observed in municipalities of Switzerland where this concept is used. In addition an understanding of the goals and conditions available in Gothenburg were investigated. Seven professionals were questioned in a semi-structured qualitative interview, to gain valuable insight and understanding of the situations. This list included politicians and employee from Vatten och Kretslopp. Renters such as Poseidon (largest one in Gothenburg) and HSB. Consultants in the field of sustainability and an environment focus were interviewed (Melica) and a project leader at Älvstranden Utveckling, working with the infrastructure and development of the growing city Gothenburg and its goals. An interview by Renova, the waste management of the city, was conducted to better understand the conditions true to Gothenburg. Residents living in apartments were also questioned through a structured interview by reaching out to the public within the geographical area of Vallgraven (city center), a total of forty people shared their answers. The pros and cons of the innovation could therefore be found out, how could be implemented, as well of it was perceived by the public. Gothenburg has high set goals in terms of sustainability and is prepared to use political instruments. Residents were a bit hesitant to the novel idea they had to answer on the spot but agreed that the county would have to be in charge of it and that it would help people reflect upon their waste management, such as increasing recycling. Professionals thought the idea was interesting, some supposed that a change must be made through changing habits and people would get used to it. Yet the idea is fair compared to weight tariff used in many municipalities in Sweden and its positive effects. The innovation could be implemented per municipality, if lobbied by a politician to change the Renhållningsförordning who has the authority to implement the change, which the trash facility management who wins the contract of Gothenburg would have to enforce according to the principles stated by the municipality.
Master 2-years
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MSc in Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship
Bromander, Jessica
Master Degree Project