Lengua y género. Un análisis lingüístico de la película El laberinto del fauno.
The aim of this report is to investigate the quantity of words and the use of vulgar utterances in
male and female speech, within dramatic language. Additionally we will try and analyse the
relationship between dramatic language, the language of every day use and gender. In order to
achieve this goal 9 dialogues from the movie ”El laberinto del fauno” from 2006, directed by
Guillermo del Toro will be analysed. This serves to verify the amount of words and cursing used by
both men and women. The collected data from the 9 dialogues will thereafter be compared with
previous studies of every day language in order to establish the relationship between the two types
of languages in question. In order to analyse the obtained data, information about the Spanish
postwar period as well as stereotypes of gender and language will be compared with the results of
the present study. Moreover this study will show the conversational dominance of men, and will
hopefully help develop new studies in order to better understand the factors behind language and
gender and how this affects our linguistic behaviour.
Student essay
Kamont, Magdalena
El laberinto del fauno
lengua y género
verbosidad y lenguaje vulgar
postguerra española
SPL kandidatuppsats, spanska
SPL 2016-089