”Alla vill ju må bra på jobbet, hur svårt kan det vara?” En fallstudie om implementeringen av AFS 2015:4 inom försvarsmakten.
The purpose is to conduct a case study to increase the understanding of how the implementation of AFS 2015:4 Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö (organisational and social work environment) is conducted in the Armed Forces, in order to compare how well the results are consistent with the Work Environment Authority's intention and inspection. The study is performed by clarifying the implementation process and which professionals that takes part in the implementation network. The study also allows us to see the potential benefits and drawbacks of the choices of the implementation process.
There is no previous research on how AFS 2015:4 is implemented since it came into effect as late as March 31 2016. We started with examining how AFS 2001:1 Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete (SAM) (systematic work environment management) has been implemented and described the advantages and disadvantages. We studied how the use of health and safety policy networks affected the outcome of the implementation. We found out that it is essential
that those who carry out an implementation has the understanding, knowledge and desire necessary for the task at hand. The theory explains how the networks and chains formed by different actors affect the implementation process. Through them, the process gets access to the skills needed for a successful implementation. A large implementation network can give rise to problems and change the results of the process from the original plan. A large part of the AFS 2015:4 is concerning about that organizations must find a balance between the requirements and resources available in the workplace. In order to discuss this, we have also explained Job Demand-Resources Model.
We have used a qualitative approach and conducted a total of six semi-structured interviews. One interview with a person at the Work Environment Authority and five people, all part of the implementation network in the Armed Forces, to get their perspectives and give us an opportunity to make a comparison.
The results of the study show that it is possible to conduct a near perfect implementation if you have the right resources. A lot of the things asked for by the Work Environment Authority s met by The Armed Forces. They have established a large network, adapted AFS 2015:4 to their local context and brought information out into the organization. There is a large network of professionals in the Armed Forces who take part in the implementation. Furthermore they have a supportive management and the understanding, knowledge and willingness to implement AFS 2015:4 and improve the working environment.
The Armed Forces have some problems with the practical aspect of work environment work in some of its units. By adapting the SAM documents and checklists and making them more measurable and compensatory for all they are working to improve in this area.
Student essay
Stenlöv, Sofia
Larsson, Robert