Expanding the customer base for DCS in the Oil, Gas & Chemicals market in Sweden; A Case Study of ABB
From research, firms that want to expand its customer base and acquire new customers need to have an acquisition strategy with a team that supports this process. Any businesses motive is to generate profit by creating customers. The main purpose of this research is to examine the market for ABB and how it can acquire new customers. Results from theory supported by semi-structured interviews show that ABB Sweden is currently missing out on acquiring new customers in the OGC market. With an innovative product that has greater value compared to its competitors, ABB can become a preferred supplier in the Swedish market. For this to happen, the BU (business unit) needs to tweak its business model, implement further the new CRM software and use it more effectively and most importantly, acquire additional human resource. The acquisition funnel has six stages that comprises of prospecting, approach, presenting offer, overcome objections, close deal and follow up. ABB uses this process currently but not efficiently as there is one industry manager for the BU that cannot handle the herculean task alone. The final recommendations to ABB Sweden’s Industrial Automation divisions, Control Technologies Business Unit is to add additional human resource that can help with acquisition strategy and the industry manager by making the aftermarket sales more effective and efficient.
Master 2-years
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MSc in Innovation and Industrial Management
Skarphéðinsson, Jón Ingi
Mohan, Vivian
Master Degree Project