Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 128
Being critically ill and surrounded by sound and noise. Patient experiences, staff awareness and future challenges
(2014-11-03)The sound environment in the ICU patient room is known to be poor and demanding. However, little is currently known about how patients recall and experience the sounds that surround them. Furthermore, staff knowledge of ... -
Implementation of person-centered care - Facilitators and Barriers
(2014-08-26)ABSTRACT Background: One of the major issues facing health systems around the world is the implementation of necessary reforms. In Sweden, many attempts have been made to reform the health care system, however, very few ... -
Violence against women in the childbearing period. Women's and men's experiences
(2014-04-14)Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to describe and interpret women´s experiences of being exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy and of important others in relation to change, and men´s experiences ... -
Stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa; upplevelser och behandling inom primärvård
(2014-03-20)Stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa är vår tids stora utmaning både i Sverige och internationellt. Personer med stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa utgör en stor patientgrupp inom primärvård, som oftast är den första och enda instansen ... -
Quality in the continuum of care for frail older persons - Structure, process and outcome
(2014-02-17)Frail older persons are often dependent on care and support from several different care providers, including hospital and primary health care as well as municipal health and social care. The increasing complexity of care ... -
Development of bladder control in a population that is potty-trained early - A follow up study in Vietnamese children
(2013-10-14)The overall purpose of this thesis was to advance the knowledge of bladder function development in children with the focus on early onset of potty training. Specific aims - To describe, longitudinally, the development ... -
Caring Situation and Provision of Web-based Support for Young Persons Who Support Family Members or Close Friends with Mental Illness
(2013-05-10)Changes in psychiatric health care and increased reliance on outpatient care have resulted in the transfer of responsibility for care from psychiatric services to social networks. Young person’s therefore often take ... -
Patient Safety in the OR - Focus on Infection Control and Prevention
(2013-04-17)Aims: The overall purpose of this thesis was, in the light of patients’ experiences of acquiring a deep SSI, to explore the air quality during orthopedic implant surgery and the application of intraoperative measures to ... -
Patients' Experience of Undergoing Vascular Interventional Radiology and Radiographers´ Experience of Caring for these Patients
(2013-03-25)Abstract Heart and vascular disease is a health problem through out the world and the technical development in the Interventional Radiology (IR) field is rapid. The possibilities to treat vascular disease has expanded ... -
Living with a congenital heart disease - adolescents' and young adults' experiences
(2012-10-09)LIVING WITH A CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE: ADOLESCENTS’ AND YOUNG ADULTS’ EXPERIENCES Malin Berghammer Institute of Health and Caring Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden Abstract Adolescents and young ... -
Närståendes besök hos patienter som vårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning
(2012-10-08)Aim: The overall objective of the present thesis was to describe and assess the importance and impact of visits by the patients’ families in an ICU, from patient and family perspectives, and to develop, from a hermeneutic ... -
Upplevelse och lindring av fatigue och gastrointestinala symtom - hos patienter som genomgår strålbehandling
(2012-09-12)Despite an extensive literature on cancer-related fatigue, there are still gaps in knowledge concerning its development and alleviation. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore symptom experiences and self-care ... -
Bråd död när patienten drabbats av stroke - Vårdares och närståendes upplevelser.
(2012-09-03)Abstract A large number of people die from stroke every year, many of them suddenly and unexpectedly as a result of acute stroke. Sudden and unexpected death influences the next of kin and carers as well as the care given ... -
Med risk för diabetes- studier av symtom, självskattad hälsa och erfarenhet av att leva med prediabetes
(2012-09-03)Background: Individuals with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) have a high risk of developing both type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease. T2DM is a common chronic disease in a global perspective, and ... -
Person-centred care: Possibilities, barriers and effects in hospitalised patients
(2012-08-28)The need for a person-centred rather than disease-centred approach to care is considered an important part of care today. However, healthcare professionals still tend to focus on the disease within the per- son rather than ... -
Att vårdas vaken med respirator - patienters och närståendes upplevelser från en intensivvårdsavdelning
(2012-01-30)In recent years, light or no sedation has become a common approach in patients who require mechanical ventilation (MV) when cared for in an intensive care unit (ICU). This new approach has resulted in medical advantages ... -
Lärlingsläraren - en studie om hur vård- och yrkeslärares uppdrag formas i samband med införandet av gymnasial lärlingsutbildning
(2012-01-13)Vocational teachers will acquire a new role and different working conditions in the new upper secondary school apprenticeship programme. The aim is to highlight how this new role is formulated, how the teachers will work, ... -
Experiences, symptoms and signs in 3-11 year old children undergoing day surgery within the context of the perioperative dialogue
(2011-12-21)Surgical interventions create real, imagined, or potential fear or anxiety in many children, thus highlighting a need for the health professionals who work with them to increasingly act as facilitators. The overall aim ... -
Mötet mellan patienten och läkaren - erfarenheter hos somaliska flyktingar och läkare under utbildning
(2011-11-25)The Meeting between the Patient and the Doctor Experiences among Somali refugees and medical trainees Kristian Svenberg Abstract Background and aim. The overall aim of the thesis is to explore the patient‐doctor ... -
Attitudes towards organ donor advocacy among Swedish intensive and critical care nurses.
(2011-05-26)End-of-Life Care in the intensive and critical care unit (ICU) involves the rare situation of caring for brain dead persons who, by their death, become potential organ donors (POD). A consequence might be that end-of-life ...