GENERATIONSANPASSAT LEDARSKAP - En studie om olika generationers behov ochförväntningar på ledarskap i en privat organisation
The aim of this study was to increase knowledge on whether there is a
difference in needs and expectations regarding leadership and different
leadership theories between younger and older generations in the workplace.
Active on today’s labor market are three large groups from different generations
- Baby Boomers (born 1943-1960), Generation X (born 1961-1981) and
Generation Y/Millennials (born 1982-2002). Previous studies show that each
generation has its own qualities and characteristics. Employees from Generation
Y are the ones taking over the labor market as the older generations are on the
verge of retirement. This poses a challenge when it comes to managing,
attracting and retaining younger talents, which is why we found the topic to be
of interest from an HR point of view. Three established leadership theories were
chosen to compare the views on leadership between the different generations.
The chosen theories were Transformative Leadership, Leader Member
Exchange and Servant Leadership. This study was based on a mixed method
design between 15 semi-structured interviews and a quantitative survey with
204 respondents. The qualitative data was processed through a thematic
analysis where the three chosen leadership theories formed the predetermined
head themes. The questions used in the quantitative survey were also
constructed from the Transformative Leadership theory, LMX and Servant
Leadership. The quantitative data was tested using independent t-tests. The
study did not show any significant differences between the generations’ needs
and expectations on a leader in regards to the three chosen leadership theories.
However, the qualitative interviews showed several distinctive characteristics
and expectations in terms of leadership. The younger generation displayed a
greater wish and demand for present, supporting leaders who offered frequent
intercommunication and provided guidance. Individual consideration was very
important to the younger employees. The older employees valued other things
from their managers, such as trust, freedom at work, respect for their
competence and the ability to affect their own work tasks. In conclusion, even
though the study didn’t show any significant differences in regards to
Transformative Leadership, LMX and Servant Leadership, the result still shows
that the younger generations’ demand for individual consideration will create
challenges for both managers and HR in the future.
Student essay
Andersén, Karin
Ravan, Daniellla
Generational leadership
Transformative Leadership
Servant Leadership
Generation X
Generation Y