Background The welfare system is facing great challenges due to older citizens becoming a larger part of the population and society will experience difficulty in facing these challenges. Welfare technology (WT) has potential in facing these challenges as it may free resources, support persons with needs in performing daily activities and reduce costs. Occupational therapists should pay attention to WT as a means to enhance participation in daily activities. In AllAgeHub´s interactive environment for showcasing and educating about WT the coordinators work collaboratively with 12 local municipalities. The format may be thought of as a model of intervention in occupational therapy, which may facilitate occupational justice. Moreover, the interactive environment is the only one in Sweden which specifically aims towards public health systems and services.
Aim The aim of this study was to investigate in what way the AllAgeHubs interactive environment of welfare technology functions as an intervention.
Method A prospective longitudinal study with a quantitative approach and 120 participants. Data was analyzed by Wilcoxon´s signed rank test, chi square test and McNemars' exact test.
Result The study results show that the participants' purpose of the visit mainly was to acquire more knowledge about WT. Concerning the claims managing welfare challenges, adding to assistive technology and I have good knowledge in welfare technology the positive change was statistically significant. In the group as a whole, the participants' views on possibilities with using WT in different public health care or service settings showed an increased level of agreement after the visit. The majority of participants claimed they did not have a plan for a follow-up after the visit.
Conclusion AAHs interactive environment increases interest in and knowledge about WT significantly and the view of possibilities in various public health care and service settings widens. Furthermore, a lack of planned follow-up suggests an area of concern in developing the intervention. Occupational justice can be supported through discussions in the perspective of groups of clients. Accordingly, the result implicates a broader target group.
Student essay
Bohlin Siversson, Sandra
Rångeby, Anna-Karin
Interactive environment
occupational justice
welfare technology