Vikten av en balanserad lönemodell - En kvantitativ undersökning om sambandet mellan teknikkonsulters lönemodell och deras tendens att lämna sitt företag
Purpose The purpose of the study is to examine if there is any relationship between the
salary model of the technical consultants and their tendency to leave the employer
and also what type of salary model is considered the most attractive within a group
of technical consultants.
Hypotheses Hypothesis 1: The current salary model influences the technical consultant’s
tendency to leave the employer.
Hypothesis 2: Satisfaction with the salary model influences the technical
consultant’s tendency to leave the employer.
With the current economic prosperity in Sweden, there is a shortage of technical
consultants on the labor market. This group tends to change employer every year
due to attractive offers from competitors, which creates a big challenge to attract
and retain competent employees. Previous studies have shown that monetary
reward, as in salary, is the most important factor for retention rate. The salary
model is seen as a motivational factor which shows a big impact in tendency to
leave the employer. Satisfaction with the salary model is important and to reach
satisfaction, reinforcement and equity is key.
Method The study is of a quantitative nature and data was collected through an online
questionnaire answered by employees at a consultant company in Sweden. The
variables used in the study was current salary model, satisfaction with salary model
and tendency to leave the employer. To test the data two one-way ANOVA
analyses were conducted. The significance level was set to .05.
Results The study's results showed that satisfaction with the salary models is significantly
important for the consultants’ tendency the leave the employer. The current salary
model does however not show a significant result. To reach satisfaction it is
important that the employee sees the link between performance and reward and that
the reward is equitable. The study also concludes that there is no best practice for a
type of salary models since every employee will be motivated by different reward
Student essay
Isaksson Pirtti, Johanna
Sjöstedt, Lisa
salary models
tendency to leave