Konsten att datera en åker
En analys av C14-dateringar av röjningsrösen i Jönköpings Län
The purpose is to map the agricultural development Jönköping’s Län, based on empirical differences in the construction of agricultural rock mounds based on carbon dating. It consists of two parts: an evaluation of the quality of the datings and a comparison between the mounds’ age and its physical attributes and contexts.
Although most reports are accurate and well-founded in general, there are some structural deficiencies that are serious as they reduce the reliability of the results. Too few have stated exactly where in the mound the sample has been taken, and too few carbon samples per mound has been dated, this making it unclear exactly what is dated and if the dating is correct.
Looking at the date and appearance of a mound, the conclusion is that datings cannot be done on morphological basis but should adhere to other dating methods.
Student essay
Hjälmdahl, Nils-Henrik
fossil åkermark, röjningsröse, röjningsröseområde, sydsvenska höglandet, Kol-14, datering, Jönköpings Län, jordbruk