The dream of Agile as a savior - An institutional logic perspective - A qualitative study of an Agile transformation at Volvo Cars
The world is evolving at an extremely fast pace, leading to organizations facing a crossroads,
of either change to stay competitive, or continue business as usual and risk falling behind. A
management technique claimed to help organizations to change and become flexible is the
well-known fashion trend Agile. This paper explores the Agile transformation of Volvo Cars
and the challenges encountered when turning the large corporation with legacy from Taylorism,
to an Agile structure. Building on previous studies showing how the adoption of a management
fashion trend within an organization can be categorized in three categories on a firm level, we
contribute by demonstrating how these categories also exist on a lower level within the firm.
We point out how departments and teams adapt the Agile concept in order for it to better fit
with the business context. We illustrate how these categories is an outcome of diverse
challenges being encountered during the transformation, as a result of two competing logics
clashing. We find the clash is of a new market logic, including Agile, entering the organization
and a corporation logic which has guided the company for many years.
Master 2-years
Övrig beskrivning
MSc in Management
Nilander, Alina
Junefelt, Emilie
Institutional logics
Market logic
Corporation logic
Management fashion trend
Master Degree Project