Real – time Information and Travel Behavior
This research study was conducted to explore the possible relationship between real-time information and travel behavior of urban citizens. The study was performed through an exploratory-triangulation research method using both qualitative and quantitative data. The study was performed in three stages: the first stage aimed to confirm the possible connection between real-time information and travel behavior in Gothenburg. The second stage allowed the understanding of the different types of information that can possibly influence traveler’s behavior and the preferable means to receive this information. The third stage aimed at identifying the different barriers that might prevent transport providers from providing travelers with increased access to real-time information. The validation of the study was done through an extensive literature review on relevant topics that was used as the theoretical framework of the research. Furthermore, several interviews were conducted in two phases: the first phase included pilot interviews conducted mainly in the UK to gain knowledge on the subject of smart transport solutions. The second phase took place in Sweden and included the main interviews that aimed to build on the knowledge gained from the pilot interviews and the literature review. On top of that, a questionnaire survey on 158 citizens in Gothenburg was performed in order to validate stage 1 and stage 2 of the study. The results from the questionnaire survey were further reinforced by a pilot survey on traveler behavior conducted by UbiGo company in Gothenburg, 2014. By analyzing the primary and secondary data collected, the relationship between real-time information and traveler behavior was identified. However, the study also identified that the type of information demanded by travelers differed according to age and socioeconomic background. Consequently, the study indicates the importance of providing personalized information in real-time through mobile applications to influence travel behavior. Lastly, two main gaps that prevent transport providers from achieving the above were identified as legal and collaborative barriers.
Master 2-years
Övrig beskrivning
MSc in Logistics and Transport Management
Lura, Philip
Taktikos, Alexandros
Real-Time Data
Real-Time Information
Travel Behavior
Public Transport
Master Degree Project