The market reaction to goodwill impairment announcements - Do investors value information content, tone and opportunistic managerial behavior?
What make goodwill impairment announcements especially noteworthy for investors is that fairvalue
measurements require managers to make unverifiable estimations due to the absence of
quoted market prices, meaning that choices whether goodwill is impaired or not could be subject
to biased decisions. This study examines the stock market reaction of goodwill write-offs in
respect to the information content (the provided reason for the write-down decision) and tone (the
sentiment used by managers to explain the write-down decision) of the announcements. In
addition, this study investigates if stock market investors evaluate signals of managerial opportunistic
behavior (CEO transitions and executive compensation) and adjust their expectations accordingly.
By using a sample of 155 goodwill impairment announcements published by Nordic listed
companies during the time period 2005 - 2019, this study does not find significant differences
between external and internal write-down reasons. However, the findings suggest that the market
reaction is in fact associated with the tone of the goodwill impairment announcement. Investors
respond less negatively when the language used in the press release is more positive, and they
react more negatively when the message is more superfluous. The results also indicate that
investors do evaluate signals of managerial opportunistic behavior by reacting less negatively to
goodwill impairment announcements in case of CEO transitions. Still, this study does not find
that the market reaction differs between firms having executive compensation tied to either
earnings or equity, comparing to companies that do not offer the CEO performance-based
Master 2-years
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MSc in Accounting and Financial Management
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Atie, Josephin
Elmberg, August
Series/Report no.
Master Degree Project