HRBP-rollen och samspelet inom HR-funktionen - En fallstudie i en shared service-organisation
Shared service organizations have become a commonly used model in how to organize the HR
function in large organizations. The HR function is here divided in three parts: HR business
partners, service centre and centre of expertise. Implementing a shared service model and
adapting it to the conditions of a specific organization has shown to be complex. Especially the
HRBP role and the interplay between the three parts of the HR function have proven to be
challenging. The purpose of this study is to investigate HRBP’s role in a shared service
organization and the interplay between HRBP, service center and center of expertise.
The study is conducted by using a qualitative method. The study is a single case study
performed at a large global organization, referringing to as Organisation X. The empirics
consists of nine semi-structured interviews with three HRBP:s, two employees from the service
centre, two employees from the center of expertise and two managers within the company. The
interviews have been transcribed and analyzed with a thematic analysis and the empirics have
also been linked to previous research.
The study found that the role of HRBP is not as unclear as earlier stated, however it is
comprehensive and includes a wide range of assignments. The HRBP role carries a lot of
expectations from both HR colleagues, line managers and other customers which can be
difficult to fulfill. The close relation between HRBP:s and the business usually makes the HRBP
feel more loyal to the business than to the HR function. The study also found that the HR
function is seen as three separate parts by the employees in the HR function, instead of one unit.
One of the major challenges is creating an understanding of the other parts within the HR
function, their priorities and their work. The interplay between the HRBP:s and the service
center and the center of expertise can be improved in several ways, that is, enhanced
communication between all three parts, working together at the same geographical unit, work
rotation and creating common purposes for the HR function. Creating an effective HR function
in a shared service organization requires time and dedication.
Student essay
Bengtsson, Johanna
Friske, Emmy
Shared service organization
service center
center of expertise