"Rörlig och stabil, bred och spetsig”. Kulturell reproduktion och strategier för breddat deltagande i den svenska kulturskolan
“Dynamic and stable, broad and deep”. Cultural reproduction and strategies for widening participation in the Swedish kulturskolor
One point of departure of this study is the intensified national interest at the policy level in Swedish kulturskolor (Community Schools of Music and Arts) as an inclusive and accessible institution. Yet, the field can be described as torn between tradition and change. The field’s traditional features can be understood as associated with the music field’s institutional discourses.
The aim of the study is to deepen our understanding of Swedish kulturskolor as a field in relation to the political mission to strive for widening participation. The theoretical perspective of Bourdieu is applied at an overarching level, supplemented with discourse theoretical perspectives. Discourses are understood as resources in actors’ positioning in the field.
This mixed-methods study is based on a survey of 2413 sixth-graders, focus group conversations with 18 teachers, and interviews with five principals of seven kulturskolor. The results of article I identify the typical student as a Swedish-born girl with well-educated parents, in line with Bourdieu’s theory of cultural reproduction. It is suggested that a “kulturskola-appropriate habitus” contributes to children’s satisfaction in their studies.
In article II–IV, teachers’ and principals’ strategies for widening participation incorporated various measures from inclusion in existing tradition to inclusion through a wide range of flexible and short-term courses. The strategies and positions are interpreted as orthodox versus heterodox strategies to legitimize the programmes.
The theoretically informed conclusions describe the field as heteronomous and affected by media, politics, and economics – a phenomenon interpreted as comprising cross-field effects. Despite the field’s diminishing autonomy, teachers and principals are seen as powerful actors who are encouraged to take action in shaping conditions for participation in the kulturskolor of the future.
I Jeppsson, C., & Lindgren, M. (2018). Exploring equal opportunities: Children’s experiences of the Swedish Community School of Music and Arts. Research Studies in Music Education, 40(2), 191–210. doi: org/10.1177/1321103X18773153 II Jeppsson, C. (2018). Kulturskolelärares legitimitetsarbete i mötet med ett politiskt ideal om socialt inkluderande musikundervisning. Finnish Journal of Music Education, 02(21), 38–53. III Jeppsson, C. (in press). Music teachers’ perspective on their chances to disrupt cultural and social reproduction in the Swedish Community Schools of Music and Arts. I: F. Pio, A. Kallio, G. G. Johansen, & O. Zandén (Red.). Nordisk musikkpedagogiskk forskning. Årbok 20. Oslo: NMH-publikasjoner. IV Jeppsson, C. (in press). Chefers positioneringar i relation till breddat deltagande i kulturskolan. I: A. Rønningen, K. Boeskov, B. Christensen Scheel, & Y. Hofvander Trulsson (Red.), Kulturskolen som inkluderende kraft: Perspektiver fra forskning til forandring. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP.
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts
Academy of Music and Drama ; Högskolan för scen och musik
Fredagen den 3 april 2020 kl. 13:30 Lingsalen, Högskolan för scen och musik, Artisten, Fågelsången 1, Göteborg. Disputationen sker vi länk https://gu-se.zoom.us/j/363831687
Datum för disputation
Jeppsson, Cecilia
Community Schools of Music and Arts
music education
widening participation
social inclusion
cultural reproduction
social stratification
field theory
institutional discourses
cross-field effects
Doctoral thesis
ISBN: 978-91-7833-832-0 (printed version)
ISBN: 978-91-7833-833-7 (digital version)