About tricks, sensations and relationships- A collection of thoughts on performing, exhibiting skill and creating in contemporary circus.
This is a reflection and exploration of creation as a contemporary circus artist today, from the
point of view of the same (I am a rope walker). To give myself a compass during the research
I have worked with a few questions:
What is the function of the trick?
How do I and other artist relate to our creating selves and bodies? And how can we use
knowledge from other fields such as marketing- and social psychology or service side jobs, to
look at our creation from another angle?
These questions are explored through looking into marketing- and social psychology, the
words of other creators, doing interviews and looking at the way I interact with the practice
myself. What my itch is. How working with the body can change the organism.
Student essay
Asklöf Prescott, Moa Julia
Contemporary circus
social psychology
physical theatre
slack rope
street shows
stage art
audience interaction