Value Creation in the Banking Industry - A comparative case study of how value is proposed by two Swedish banks from a S-D logic perspective
This study examines how two banks with different digital strategies and customer interaction
approaches propose value propositions. Digitalization is reshaping industrial fundamentals as
well as leading to changes in the value proposition of companies’ business models. This is
forcing businesses to clearly articulate the value proposition to stay competitive in the market
and to understand how the value proposition is used in the co-creation of value together with
customers. Service innovation is further used by organizations to improve their current value
proposition. In addition, previous studies have argued that more research is needed to clarify
the value proposition structure and management of service innovation, as well as to apply the
S-D logic perspective on the retail banking industry.
The purpose of this study has been to analyse how value is proposed by banks through the
comparison of one Traditional bank and one Digital bank. The thesis examines what the main
components are in the banks’ respective value propositions, and identifies differences and
similarities. Furthermore, the thesis also examines how the two banks manage service
innovation in order to develop their value proposition. In this qualitative study, the chosen
methodology was a multiple case study with a comparison between banks within the Swedish
banking industry, from an organizational perspective. Primary data has been collected
through seven semi-structured interviews with selected executives in the two case companies.
Conclusively, the main contribution is argued to consist of a clarification of how value
propositions are structured in the banking industry, together with the insight that there is no
uniform approach towards either the creation of a value propositions nor the management of
service innovation. Thus, this result is argued to extend previous literature about the S-D
logic view.
Master 2-years
Kjöllerström, Alexandra
Sörby, Beatrice
Service Dominant Logic
Retail Banking
Value Proposition
Co-creation of Value
Service Innovation
Master Degree Project