Steering towards Circular Economy- A case study about how individual translation of circular economy influences a multinational corporation (MNC)
Circular Economy (CE) has been argued to be a necessary guideline for improving
sustainable development, with the objective to gradually decouple growth from the
consumption of finite resources. The findings in this report emphasise the complexity of
finding a coherent definition of CE and outline why the concept is translated differently by
individuals in a multinational corporation (MNC). Throughout 26 interviews with managers
connected to sustainability and organisational change at a Swedish MNC, the report validates
that organisations will likely react to external pressures when implementing new ideas. We
suggest that organisations have motives to act according to what is considered acceptable
since this enhances the firm's legitimacy. Also, we demonstrate that the translation process is
important to include in this discussion, especially when new concepts such as a CE will be
implemented. The findings reveal that CE means different things to different individuals,
which must be taken into consideration in processes of change. We highlight that profitability
is still the key factor in strategic decisions, though arguing that an environmental logic is
emerging in the current business climate. For organisations to implement a change towards
CE, we suggest that everyone inside the organisation should prioritise it on their agenda and
see their role in such an engagement. However, a change to CE will likely require significant
investments and risk taking. Much focus in previous research has been on defining CE, while
we suggest that focus instead should be placed on acknowledging the individual motives to
engage in CE activities.
Master 2-years
Övrig beskrivning
MSc in Management
Fock, Carl-Fredrik
Carlsson, Julia
Circular Economy
Institutional logics
Organisational change
Individual motives
Master Degree Project