Effects of Videos on EFL/ESL Learners' Writing Proficiency and Vocabulary Acquisition: A Literature Review
This literature review presents and discusses the effects of videos on vocabulary acquisition and writing skills in the EFL/ESL classroom, as shown in research published in the last decade. Due to the growing interest in using videos in the EFL/ESL classroom, we find it important to examine how it affects the students’ language acquisition and how the students perceive videos for learning purposes. The findings are organized into the following themes:
effects of videos on writing, effects of videos on vocabulary acquisition, learners’ attitudes towards videos, and lastly, motivation. The main conclusion is that using videos is beneficial to vocabulary acquisition and writing proficiency, and that it stimulates learners’ motivation, as derived from their positive attitudes on videos. Finally, the teachers’ role in the EFL/ESL classroom regarding video teaching is discussed as well as potential areas for further research.
Student essay
Gunnarsson, Freya
Helsing, Andreas