Skrivaktiviteter och möjliga skrivdiskurser i Svenska 1, på två av gymnasiets yrkesförberedande program
Aim: The purpose of the thesis's study is to map and analyze the activities for writing that student encounter during a school year in Swedish 1, in two different classes, on two different vocational preparation programs in high school: The construction
programme and the Children's and Leisure Programme. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate possible writing discourses which can be distinguished in the writing activities students encounter.
Theory: Roz Ivanič 's (2004) construction of writing discourses, together with sociocultural theory (Vygotsky, 1999), is a rewarding theoretical framework for this essay. The six writing discourses are: the skills discourse, the creativity discourse, the process
discourse, the genre discourse, the discourse on social practices and the social policy discourse. In a sociocultural perspective on writing, the idea is that man creates his reality in relation to conditions in the environment, only after reflection and action
together with others does individual learning take place (Vygotsky, 1999).
Method: The methodological approach of the study is qualitative and chosen in the hope that it is an approach that serves the purpose of the thesis; to map writing tasks and analyze them based on possible writing discourses. The study's material consists of two Swedish teachers' plans for writing teaching in Swedish 1 during the academic year 2020/2021, in two classes on the upper secondary school vocational programme. Furthermore, a central part of the empiric is the collection, compilation and analysis of the assignment instructions students have taken part of in connection with the course's various writing moments. The purpose of the dossier is to have a more nuanced opportunity to clarify and categorize what kind of writing activities students
Results: The results show that the writing activities offered to students in the two classes are characterized by referencing, argumentation and analysis, which is a teaching content that is close to the central content of writing formulated in the syllabus for Swedish 1. A common thread through all tasks is the focus on language correctness and, in part, the use of digital tools.
The result also shows that the possible discourses that emerge most clearly are skill, genre, process and, in part, creativity.
Less clear are the contexts of writing that prioritize social practices and sociopolitical perspectives. One picture that emerges is that there is a tension between writing as a skill and for communication as well as a study discourse or vocational discourse.
Student essay
Edlund, Jenny
writing teaching, writing education, writing skills, writing discourse, vocational programmes