Sustainable entrepreneurship: action nets, affordances and alignment
Sustainable entrepreneurship as the realization of sustainability innovations has been
regarded by researchers and practitioners as a means of combating environmental challenges.
While there has been substantial research within the field of sustainable entrepreneurship,
existing research is not able to represent the empirical complexity of sustainable
entrepreneurship, especially regarding startups’ embeddedness in their ecosystems and
concrete entrepreneurial activities. To account for this complexity, the concept of ecosystem
alignment for the realization of innovations has been mobilized in this study. However,
current ecosystem research focuses on how large firms achieve alignment to realize their
innovations by orchestrating other actors in their ecosystem. Therefore, this study aims to
explain how entrepreneurs, despite their naturally limited resources, are able to realize their
sustainability innovations through ecosystem alignment. For this purpose, a number of
Swedish environmentally sustainable startups were studied, mainly through interviews. To
explain how entrepreneurs achieve ecosystem alignment, the concepts of action nets and
material affordances are utilized, and the following conclusions are drawn. First, they do so
by mutual alignment with customers and partners as well as alignment to investors in their
ecosystem. Second, they align through joint actions whose connections and translations can
be depicted in action nets. Third, most of the joint actions and translations are enabled
through material affordances. Fourth, to achieve ecosystem alignment, the entrepreneurs have
to manage the risks associated with alignment for the involved actors. Finally, ecosystem
alignment can be regarded as a cause-effect relationship with action nets as causes and risk
mitigation and alignment as effects. If entrepreneurs are able to generate temporary alignment
in all action nets simultaneously, ecosystem alignment is achieved and sustainability
innovations can be realized.
Master 2-years
Övrig beskrivning
MSc in Management
Schuh, Christina
Holmberg, Måns
Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Action Nets
Joint Actions