Changing Work Pattern in Companies in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
This study is about investigation of the practices of two organisations/companies in terms of remote working within the context of the covid 19 pandemic. The study thus explored how the companies facilitated and enabled their employees to work from home as a response. Having a qualitative approach and based on in-depth interviews with different levels of employees at one Swedish and one Finnish company, the study presents the detailed processes of the transition having a prior, during and post transitional context in account. The study adopts the ‘Managing for the Unexpected’ as a theoretical departure point to analyse and contextualise the findings as pioneered by Sutcliffe and Christianson (2013). Findings revealed whether companies adopted a proactive or reactive approach determines the outcome of such practices. The company that adopted a proactive approach have been able to start adapting to the pandemic context at an early stage with a range of strategies. While the other one showed reactive approach and adjusted accordingly as things developed with comparatively different qualitative outcomes in employees’ motivation. This study is evidence of how rapid observation of issues and finding solutions are critical during crises. Furthermore, it demonstrates that mandating the decision-making to people who have experience and ensuring that a wide variety of aspects have been considered and prioritising the front-line employees can help managing unexpected events easier. The study offers an impression how the concept of organisation and/or companies is shifting making us to think more and more the virtual dimensions of it. The study concludes with the significance of similar study at a scale to have robust understanding of the process that can enable to generate general theories on work practices in the context of emergencies.
Master 2-years
Övrig beskrivning
MSc in Management
Kassab, Omar
Working Remotely
Managing the Unexpected