Accounting Policies Setting of Internally Developed Software and its Subsequent - Expenditures in The Traditional Production Organisations
Background: In recent decades, technologies have overlapped with many traditional
products. The competition is no longer limited to the quality of the products but also to the
level of technology used in the products. That resulted in traditional production organisations
finding their way into the field of software development. These organisations encounter many
challenges due to the lack of expertise. In addition, a clear understanding of different
software development methods was needed. This study focuses on the accounting challenges
regarding distinguishing between subsequent expenditure and maintenance expenses. The
purpose of this study is to provide an overview of how organisations set their accounting
policies related to internally developed software. In addition to how the operational
departments interact with these policies.
Methodology: To answer the research questions, a qualitative research method was adopted.
It was mainly based on accumulated research work, where information was collected through
interviews and documentations. Afterwards, the data were analysed, and finally, the results
were discussed.
Concluding Discussion: Despite the fact that the sample was relatively small, the thesis
showed several results. The results were represented by the organisations’ work on setting
primary accounting policies, within the framework of IFRS. The study shows that
cooperation among organisations strengthens the implementation of proper policies.
Moreover, it encourages finding the optimal accounting treatment for software development
methods. Finally, it enhances operations departments’ role in developing and improving
Master 2-years
Övrig beskrivning
MSc in Accounting and Financial Management
Al Mawed, Alaa
Mohamed, Khaled
Accounting Policies
Internally Developed Software
Subsequent Expenditures
Maintenance Expenses
Agile Method
Waterfall Method
Intangible Assets.