The COVID-19 pandemic's effects on supply chains within the Swedish retail industry - Experiences from the DIY and furniture sectors
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe disruptions and consequences to global supply
chains. The pandemic commenced in China in late 2019 and quickly spread throughout the world.
China is a country that plays a key role in international trade as it is a large producer and exporter
of goods. Furthermore, the Swedish retail industry is highly dependent on import goods, from
mainly Asia and Europe, and therefore experienced large challenges as the pandemic caused
major supply chain disruptions. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate how supply
chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have affected the Swedish retail industry,
to gain a deeper understanding of what measures have been used by the Swedish retail industry
to mitigate the consequences. Moreover, the study aimed to describe the main features of the
implemented measures from the chosen segment, which actors within the industry can benefit
from when future disruptions occur.
The study was conducted with a qualitative research approach with abductive reasoning and a
literature study was conducted by collecting theories from previous research. The empirical data
was collected through semi-structured interviews with four respondents from four companies
within the Swedish retail industry. Three of the respondents operated within the DIY (Do It
Yourself) sector and one within the furniture sector and all respondents held top management
positions within the companies' supply chain departments.
The findings of the study demonstrate that the Swedish retail industry has been heavily affected
by the supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic contributed
to a high level of uncertainty, increased lead-times, delays in deliveries, and increased costs. The
implemented measures taken by the Swedish retail industry have been stricter and more frequent
controls, increased information sharing, and earlier placement of orders to mitigate the
consequences. Moreover, this study contributes to the existing theory of consequences of supply
chain disruptions and gives new perspectives as it demonstrates that the studied companies'
overall profits increased during the supply chain disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Master 2-years
Other description
MSc in Logistics and Transport Management
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Persson, Ellen
Victor, Järdhage
COVID-19 pandemic
supply chain disruptions
supply chain mitigation strategies
Series/Report no.