Scenario Planning Analysis of Subscriptions in the Automotive industry - Future impact on profitability and loyalty
The automotive industry is facing an ongoing transformation on many levels and the common
denominator is the road to sustainability and zero greenhouse gas emissions. This has led to
the developments of new drivetrains and the need for new business models has emerged. To
be able to meet the requirements and challenges presented by the development of sustainable
cars and usage of cars. This has introduced an openness to new ideas and innovations regarding
business models and commercial operations. This change has led to a discussion of mobility
rather than car ownership. This fundamental change has developed a discussion and an early
attempt to sell cars through a subscription model and turn the commercial operations towards
a more service-oriented business rather than wholesale.
This research investigates the outlook of the subscription model for OEMs in the automotive
industry and emphasizes how these different futures will impact both the loyalty as well as the
profitability aspects of an OEM. The research investigates and identifies the factors to consider
when evaluating the next coming ten years for the subscription model and what aspects will
have a larger impact on the different outcomes. These factors are identified through qualitative
interviews with experts and people involved in the development of the subscription model in
the automotive industry. These factors are then used to generate potential future scenarios and
the identified major uncertainties will be bundled together to create two dimensions that are
flexibility and customer engagement. These two dimensions are then used in a scenario matrix
to generate four potential future scenarios of the subscription model in the automotive industry.
The four scenarios are the following: Love to compete, Rise and shine subscription, The good
old days, and steady subscription.
With the knowledge of these four scenarios, different strategic actions are identified as well as
a core strategy to face the uncertain future of the subscription model and recommendations on
how to navigate this unknown future. This knowledge is then used to present future impact on
profitability as well as loyalty and how it will affect the future of the OEM. The research
concludes that the OEM has to consider the large changes organizational-wise as a core focus
and that either scenario that plays out the customer-centric approach as well as the online
journey will have a large impact on the business and is well anchored within customer trends
and demands. This will result in fundamental changes in profitability as well as how to meet
and work with loyalty depending on what scenario that evolves. Therefore, is the aspect of
being agile and prepared for different futures highly recommended and being able to adapt
Master 2-years
Isaksson, Daniel
Hallin, Elof
Subscription service model
Customer Loyalty
Automotive industry
Scenario analysis
Business model