"Synsvinkler på den danske Straffelov § 266 b", "Aspects on the Danish Penal Code § 266 b"
Der er en løbende konflikt mellem ytringsfrihed og racistiske krænkelser i dagens samfund. I Danmark er der en del nationale såvel som internationale forpligtelser, som indebærer at samfundet skal bekæmpe racismen, hvilket nødvendiggør indskrænkninger i ytringsfriheden. Dette gøres fremmest gennem Straffelovens § 266 b.
Ved at sammenligne Danmark med Sverige ser man mange ligheder imellem de to lande lovmæssigt. Der er derimod en markant forskel i den måde racismen manifisterer sig på i de to lande. Der er videre forskel på i hvor høj grad de to lande vægter statens rolle - og hvilken fremgangsmåde de anvender i bekæmpelsen af racisme.
Den bedste løsning bliver at lade domstolene definere de yderste grænser mellem ytringsfriheden og racistiske krænkelser, samtidigt med at samfundet gennem samspil mellem forskellige faggrupper, fastslår at racistiske fordomme bygger på urigtige grunde. Det skal videre understreges, at hvert enkelt menneske skal bedømmes ud fra sine faktiske egenskaber, fremfor sit bestemte tilhørsforhold kulturelt, etniskt eller religiøst.
There is an ongoing conflict between freedom of speech and racial violations in the society of today.
In Denmark there are national as well as international obligations to eliminate racism, which makes it necessary to inflict limitations on the freedom of speech. This is done foremost through Penal Code § 266 b.
By comparison between Denmark and Sweden there are many resemblances between the two countries regarding the law, but a noticeable difference in the way racism is manifesting itself. Furthermore there is a difference between the two countries as to how much importance the part of the state plays - and the means by which they try to eliminate racism.
The best solution is to allow the court to define the utmost limits between freedom of speech and racial violations, while at the same time the society through co-operation between different professional circles, establish the fact that racial prejudices is based on false grounds. Furthermore it has to be established beyond any doubt, that every single individual should be judged because of his or her actual qualifications, rather than because of his or her belonging to a certain culture, ethnic group or religious preference.
Student essay
Bernes, Anna-Synnöve