School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 201-220 av 1831
Kostnader av elavbrott för svenska elkunder
(2019-03) -
A theoretical framework explaining the mechanisms of nudging
(2019-03)In this paper we develop a theoretical model to clarify the underlying mechanisms that drive individual decision making and responses to behavioral interventions, such as nudges. The contribution of the paper is three-fold: ... -
Personality and Positionality
(2019-03)This paper employs survey experiments to examine the relationship between personality characteristics and positional concerns across a wide range of “goods,” e.g., income and market value of a car, and “bads,” e.g., infant ... -
Sida and innovative finance: The case of loan guarantee schemes
(2019-02)Sida is exploiting loan guarantee schemes to leverage finance from the private sector in partner countries. This paper is a literature review of the rationale for and experiences of this type of schemes, focusing on Small ... -
Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Trade negotiations between the Western Allies and the Scandinavian neutrals, 1914-1919
(2019-02-22)This thesis analyses the interplay between Western Allied policymakers and the governments of Denmark, Norway and Sweden during the Great War. It explores to what extent Allied economic warfare authorities were able to ... -
The fiscal lifetime cost of receiving refugees
(2019-02)This study estimates the fiscal consequences of receiving refugees, over the refugees’ lifetime. It uses data from Sweden in 2015, and the calculations account for refugees’ age, years since immigration, and country of ... -
The digit ratio (2D:4D) and economic preferences: no robust associations in a sample of 330 women
(University of Gothenburg, 2019-02)Many studies report on the association between 2D:4D, a putative marker for prenatal testosterone exposure, and economic preferences. However, most of these studies have limited sample sizes and test multiple hypotheses ... -
Hur konsumtionen digitaliseras
(Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, 2019-02)Digital teknik håller radikalt på att förändra vår konsumtionskultur. Appar, QR-koder och ständigt mer avancerade mobiltelefoner, samt de digitala spår användningen av dem lämnar efter sig skapar nya konsumtionsbeteenden, ... -
Hur sjuk är demokratin?
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2019-01)Lösningen på demokratiproblemet har i praktiken alltid varit att en elit skall styra i folkets namn och utan alltför mycket insyn från folket. Ingen kan ju ha något emot att saker görs för allas bästa, eller hur? Vi, folket, ... -
Scaring or scarring? Labour market effects of criminal victimisation
(University of Gothenburg, 2019-01)Little is known about the costs of crime to victims and their families. In this paper, we use unique and detailed register data on victimisations and labour market outcomes from the Netherlands to overcome data restrictions ... -
CDS index options in Markov chain models
(University of Gothenburg, 2019-01-07)We study CDS index options in a credit risk model where the defaults times have intensities which are driven by a finite-state Markov chain representing the underlying economy. In this setting we derive compact computationally ... -
Essays on behavioral determinants of earnings quality
(2018-12-20)The neoclassical economic view of the firm - upon which most of the empirical financial accounting research is based - assumes that managers are rational wealth optimizers. Therefore, managers are considered homogeneous ... -
Konsumtionsrapporten 2018
(Handelshögskolan, Göteborgs universitet, 2018-12)I Konsumtionsrapporten 2018 sammanfattas och analyseras hushållens privata konsumtion i Sverige under 2017. Rapporten består av två delar. I den första delen, ”Basfakta”, ges en helhetsbild av hushållens konsumtion som ... -
Within-Families Inequalities in Human Capital Accumulation in India
(2018-12)We investigate within-family inequalities in human capital accumulation in India. We consider both indicators of the child's current stock of human capital and of investment into their continued human capital accumulation, ... -
Licensing Games
(2018-12-14)Patents are legal instruments that protect ideas, and the rise of a knowledge-based society was inevitably accompanied with their increased economic importance. As a result of this growth, patented technology became an ... -
Cooperation Between Emotional Players
(University of Gothenburg, 2018-12)This paper uses the framework of stochastic games to propose a model of emotions in repeated interactions. An emotional player, who transitions between different states of mind as a response to observed actions taken by ... -
Challenges in evaluating intervention effects of feedback on residential energy conservation in a field setting
(Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, 2018-11-30)A field intervention investigated the effect of feedback on residential electricity use in households in Sweden. For a period of eight weeks differentiated energy use for daily domestic behaviors was monitored by 15 residents ... -
Which type of policy instrument do citizens and experts prefer? A choice experiment on Swedish marine and water policy
(University of Gothenburg, 2018-11)In the choice between alternative environmental policy instruments, economists tend to favor policies capable of attaining cost-efficiency, but other considerations may be important to stakeholders. We perform a choice ... -
The cost-effectiveness of biological therapy cycles in the management of Crohn’s disease
(University of Gothenburg, 2018-11)Objectives: to examine the cost-effectiveness of continued treatment for patients with moderate-severe Crohn’s disease in clinical remission, with a combination of anti-TNFα (infliximab) and immunosuppressant therapy ...