School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1441-1460 of 1831
Posten Futurum - Utvärdering av verksamheten i Postens omställningsprogram
(2002)Förutsättningarna för Postens verksamhet har förändrats under en följd av år. Posten bedriver en affärsverksamhet i bolagsform under konkurrenstryck, och dessa villkor har ställt krav på omstrukturering av organisationen. ... -
Expectations and accountability in managerial work
(2002)Based on a direct observation study of eight CEOs for large corporations, this paper examines how control is exercised in the era of financial transparency. In particular, the link between corporate governance and managerial ... -
Nominal Wage Flexibility in a Monetary Union
(2002)Membership in a monetary union reduces the possibilities to counteract fluctuations in productivity by monetary policy. One condition for entrance not to lead to adverse unemployment performance is that wages are flexible ... -
Is Transport Safety More Valuable in the Air?
(2002)Using a contingent valuation survey, people’s willingness to pay for a given risk reduction is found to be much larger when traveling by air compared to by taxi. Follow-up questions revealed that an important reason for ... -
Income Effects from Labor Market Training Programs in Sweden During the 80's and 90's
(2002)Swedish labor market programs appear large from an international perspective, yet their consequences are not fully investigated and understood. In this paper we estimate a switching regression model with training effect ... -
Möten med marknaden. Tre svenska fackförbunds agerande under perioden 1945-1976
(2002)This is a study of how trade unions act when they are confronted with the consequences of innovations in their own sector of the economy. The framework in which this is studied, basically consists of Mancur Olson's ... -
Real Wages and Returns to Human Capital in Kenya Manufacturing firms
(2002)This paper studies how real wages and wage returns to human capital in Kenya manufacturing firms changed, using cross-section data sets from a survey conducted in 1993, 1994, 1995, and 2000. A quantile regression technique ... -
Organizational effects on e-business in companies
(2002)The end of the 1990s witnessed a firm establishment of IT, Internet and various forms of e-commerce in business-to-business trade. The new technology is commonly presented as a new, revolutionary way of doing business. In ... -
Kompetensväxling i kommunal regi - om Bengtsfors framtid efter Lear
(2002)När Lear Corporation våren 1999 lade ner sin verksamhet i Bengtsfors agerade kommunen snabbt och tillskapade ett projekt som åtog sig att återskapa de dryga 860 jobb som försvunnit. Kommunen hade sedan tidigare en beredskap ... -
Is Globalisation Good for Africa?
(2002)Globalisation or market integration in Sub-Saharan Africa is closely linked to the structural adjustment programmes. In this paper we focus on their dependence on politics and institutional characteristics of the countries ... -
From quasars to bus stops and numbers - how a time-network is used and organised within accounting practice
(2002)This paper starts out with a study of accounting practices in a Public Transport Organisation. A performative perspective has generated some interesting findings and leads on to some points that can be made. I have ... -
Essays on Insurance Economics
(2002) -
Designing the new intranet
(2002)Designing the new intranet is about exploiting web technology in an organisational context so that the users can better utilise the intranet from a knowledge management perspective. This means to take advantage of the ... -
Leva med psoriasis - att lära känna och förhålla sig till det främmande
(2002)Denna undersökning handlar om livet med psoriasis. Den bygger på fyra intervjuer med individer med diagnosen psoriasis. Tolkningsarbetet är baserat på idéer hämtade från Grounded theory (1967). Resultatet visar att det ... -
Family Background, Education and Earnings in Kenya
(2002)This paper uses data collected in 2000 to first estimate OLS and ordered probit models to measure correlation between family background and workers' education. Then, human capital earnings functions are estimated to examine ... -
Essays on discrimination, welfare and labor supply
(2002)This thesis consists of five papers in applied labor economics. The first two papers are related to wage discrimination between males and females, whereas the next two papers are related to labor supply and welfare ... -
Investment in Electronic Commerce: Financial Perspectives and Profit Conditions
(2002)Electronic Commerce ("eCommerce") is a concept for trade based upon products and services that are being marketed, contracted, and paid for over the Internet. Consequently, electronic commerce demands for the ... -
Negative Externalities in Day Care: Optimal Tax Policy Response
(2002)Systematic pediatric evidence shows that the morbidity rates for children in day care are increasing in the group size. Sick children are usually cared for at home by parents. This creates a negative externality of ...