School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1461-1480 of 1831
Internprissättning i svenska börsnoterade bolag
(2002)Denna rapport presenterar resultaten från en enkätstudie som syftade till att kartlägga förekomsten och val av, samt motiv och syften med, modeller för internprissättning i svenska börsnoterade företag. Enkäter skickades ... -
Economic Determinants of Public Opinion. About Joining the EMU: The Case of Sweden
(2002)A potential Swedish membership in the third stage of the EMU (the currency union) will be determined in a referendum. The opinion polls preceding this referendum show strong variability in the Swedish public opinion ... -
Fri eller ställd. Om friställda industriarbetare i periferin - exemplet Lear i Bengsfors
(2002)I mars 1999 lämnade Lear Corporation i Bengtsfors beskedet att verksamheten tillverkning av säten till Volvo skulle läggas ner. Lear var kommunens i särklass största privata arbetsgivare med drygt 860 anställda och ... -
Organisering av samverkan i Grästorp 5S och Kärra-Rödbo
(2002)SOCSAM är en försökslagstiftning med en ambition att bedriva politisk och finansiell samordning mellan socialförsäkring, hälso- och sjukvård och socialtjänst. Verksamheten regleras i SFS (1994:566). Försöksverksamheten ... -
Software Innovativeness - Knowledge Acquisition, External Linkages and Firm Developmental Processes
(2002)This report covers an empirical research project focused on studying the knowledge acquisition, external linkages and developmental processes in software firms. A large database was been created through 133 interviews ... -
A Structural Model of Childcare, Welfare, and the Labor Supply of Single Mothers
(2002)This paper considers the simultaneous relationship of the single mother's decision to choose paid childcare, welfare participation and labor supply, and estimates a structural model that allows for a free error covariance. ... -
Airport Marginal Cost Pricing: Discussion and an Application to Swedish Airports
(2002)We derive an optimal airport-pricing model, both with and without a constraint on the revenues, that includes all relevant external marginal costs,. Given the results of the model we discuss the implications on the profit ... -
Using Choice Experiments for Non-Market Valuation
(2001)This paper provides the latest research developments in the method of choice experiments applied to valuation of non-market goods. Choice experiments, along with the, by now, well-known contingent valuation method, are ... -
Assessing the Employment Effects of Labor Market Training Programs in Sweden
(2002)Several studies have examined the effects of training programs on employment. Most of them assume that the effects of training are constant for all potential trainees. We use an econometric framework that allows studying ... -
Competence Systems
(2002)Today, more and more organizations rely upon the competencies of their staffs. This increasing reliance on competence has triggered many organizations to implement competence systems in order to support staff allocation ... -
Designing for Local Mobility
(2002)This thesis investigates the characteristics of local mobility from a CSCW perspective using ethnographically informed workplace studies and presents a framework for designing IT support. In this thesis local mobility is ... -
Technical efficiency in the Swedish trawl fishery for Norway lobster
(2001)Reducing fleet capacity in European fisheries is an important objective of the European Union's Common Fisheries Policy. The success of such programmes depends both on the variation and the level of efficiency within the ... -
Chefskap och generationsskifte
(2002)Studien kartlägger uppfattningar om chefskap som olika generationer chefer är bärare av samt formar. Syftet är även att generera frågeställningar till en fördjupad studie av chefskap och generationsskifte. Resultaten ... -
What does the Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index really tell Us?
(2001)Quite often the Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index (DJSGI), which identifies and keeps tracks on the performance of the sustainable driven companies, is referred to as an evidence of that integration of economic, ... -
Stochastic Production and Heterogeneous Risk Preferences: Commercial Fishers Gear Choices
(2001)As long as total effort cannot be completely controlled, a more thorough understanding of fishers' supply response decisions will be beneficial for fishery managers. In this paper, we present a model of fishers' gear ... -
(2001)The question addressed in this paper is whether sickness history affects annual earnings and hourly wages in Sweden. If poor health makes people less productive, we expect to find a negative effect of previous health ... -
BEQUESTS, GIFTS, AND EDUCATION Swedish evidence on parents transfer behavior
(2002)We study the motives behind parents' transfers to their children, and the relationship between tangible transfers and educational investments. Another issue is the channels parents choose for tangible transfers. Do they ... -
The Rise of Neolithic Agriculture
(2001)The article analyzes the economic reasons behind the rise of Neolithic agriculture some 10,000 years ago in consideration of evidence that agri-culture was not associated with increasing standards of living. On the basis ... -
Decomposed Effects of Democracy on Economic Freedom
(2002)Many previous empirical studies conclude that democracy increases economic freedom. However, these studies use highly aggregated indices of economic freedom, which eliminate interesting information and obstruct policy ...