School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 1831
Town by the Riverside - jazz som kulturarv i Göteborg
(Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, 2016-04)Denna rapport bygger på en pilotstudie av jazzföreningen Classic Jazz Göteborg. Studien faller inom ramen för Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskaps (CFK) delprojekt i det tvärdisciplinära och internationella forskningsprojektet ... -
Konsumtionsrapporten 2015
(Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, 2015)I Konsumtionsrapporten 2015 sammanfattas och analyseras hushållens privata konsumtion i Sverige under 2014. Rapporten består av två delar. I den första delen, ”Basfakta”, ges en helhets bild av hushållens konsumtion som ... -
Re-Searching Stewardship
(2016-04-07)Since the theory of stewardship was introduced, there have been various studies testing the constructs of stewards and stewardship. Stewardship research has largely been conducted in unrelated contexts and with a variety ... -
Framing and Minimum Levels in Public Good Provision
(2016-04)Using a laboratory experiment in the field, we examine how the choice architecture of framing a social dilemma – give to or take from a public good – interacts with a policy intervention that enforces a minimum contribution ... -
Public Goods and Minimum Provision Levels: Does the institutional formation affect cooperation?
(2016-04)We investigate the role of institutional formation on the implementation of a binding minimum contribution level in a linear public goods game. Groups either face the minimum level exogenously imposed by a central authority ... -
Is there a hidden cost of imposing a minimum contribution level for public good contributions?
(2016-04)We examine the effects of either exogenously imposing or endogenously letting subjects choose whether to impose minimum contribution levels (MCLs) in a linear public goods experiment using the strategy method. Our results ... -
The Development of Development Economics
(2016-04)This paper discusses the historical roots of development economics and how it has changed over the last half century. We first identify the most important changes in orientation within development economics and discuss ... -
Social Norms and Information Diffusion in Water-saving Programs:Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Colombia
(2016-04)This paper investigates direct and spillover effects of a social information campaign aimed at encouraging residential water savings in Colombia. The campaign was organized as a randomized field experiment, consisting of ... -
Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems
(Copyright 2015 by University of Gothenburg, 2015)One of the less known problems in settlement geography is the issue of so-called degraded and restituted towns. This lack of reconnaissance, however, is perhaps less the result of the towns’ scarcity than their specificity ... -
The Changing Structure of Swedish Foreign Aid
(2016-03)The study investigates how the composition and character of aid of Swedish aid has changed over time, and what effects these changes have had for the potential to realize key aspects of the Paris agenda such as ownership, ... -
The hidden costs of nudging: Experimental evidence from reminders in fundraising
(2016-03)We document the hidden costs of one of the most policy-relevant nudges, reminders. Sending reminders, while proven effective in facilitating behavior change, may come at a cost for both senders and receivers. Using a large ... -
How are you? How's it going? What's up? What's happening? Nudging people to tell us how they really are
(2016-03)We investigate a novel approach to reduce measurement error in subjective well-being (SWB) data. Using a between-subject design, half of the subjects are asked to promise to answer the survey questions truthfully in an ... -
(2016-03-08)The questions addressed here are of interest to those who are currently studying and developing retail marketplaces. Development in Sweden shows that retail marketplaces evolve into even larger places, and with an increasing ... -
Job-Search Periods for Welfare Applicants: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment
(2016-03)This paper studies mandatory job-search periods for welfare applicants. During this period the benefits application is put on hold and the applicant is obliged to make job applications. We combine a randomized experiment ... -
Stationers roll för mindre orter och dess omland
(2016-03-03)Denna del av projektet ”Stationers roll för mindre orter och dess omland” består av en empirisk studie av tre mindre orter. Orterna är Lödöse, Floby och Kode som valdes utifrån hur orternas respektive stationsområden ... -
Vardagslivets finansialisering
(Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, 2016)I internationell samhällsvetenskaplig forskning används begreppet finansialisering för att förklara och beskriva den ökade betydelse som den finansiella ekonomin har i vår tid. I den här rapporten riktar vi sökarljuset mot ... -
Frustration and Anger in Games: A First Empirical Test of the Theory
(2016-02)Anger can be a strong behavioral force, with important consequences for human interaction. For example, angry individuals may become hostile in their dealings with others, and this has strategic consequences. Battigalli, ... -
A Jury of Her Peers: The Impact of the First Female Jurors on Criminal Convictions
(2016-02)This paper uses an original data set of more than 3000 cases from 1918 to 1926 in the Central Criminal Courts of London to study the effect of the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act of 1919. Implemented in 1921, this Act ... -
The Causal Effect of Military Conscription on Crime and the Labor Market
(2016-02)This paper uses detailed individual register data to identify the causal effect of mandatory peacetime military conscription in Sweden on the lives of young men born in the 1970s and 80s. Because draftees are positively ...