School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 401-420 of 1831
Parental Influences on Health and Longevity: Lessons from a Large Sample of Adoptees
(2016-01)To what extent is the length of our lives determined by pre-birth factors? And to what extent is it affected by parental resources during our upbringing that can be influenced by public policy? We study the formation of ... -
The Political Economy of Mitigation and Adaptation
(2016-01)In this paper, we acknowledge that the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change have differential fiscal impacts. Whereas mitigation typically raises fiscal revenues, adaptation is costly to the taxpayer and to a ... -
The Liability of Credit Rating Agencies to Investors – A Swedish Perspective
(2016-01-21)Credit rating agencies are vital to the operation of the global financial markets. They rate the ability of debtors to make timely interest payments and the likelihood of default. In the wake of the US subprime mortgage ... -
Försvarsmakten och diskriminering – en jämförelse mellan 2010 och 2015
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2016-01)År 2009 instiftades en ny diskrimineringslag i Sverige. Lagen syftar till att motverka diskriminering och främja lika rättigheter och möjligheter med grund i kön, könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck, etnisk tillhörighet, ... -
Redistribution through Charity and Optimal Taxation when People are Concerned with Social Status
(2016-01)This paper deals with tax policy responses to charitable giving based on a model of optimal redistributive income taxation. The major contribution is the simultaneous treatment of (i) warm-glow and stigma effects of ... -
Genuine Saving and Conspicuous Consumption
(2016-01)Much evidence suggests that people are concerned with their relative consumption, i.e., their own consumption relative to that of others. Yet, conspicuous consumption and the corresponding social costs have so far been ... -
It’s Not What You Sell – It’s Whom You Sell it To: How the Customer’s Character Shapes Brands and What Companies Do About it”
(2015-12-18)In this dissertation I investigate the effects of user and usage imagery on brands and how businesses employ user imagery to build brands. Over four articles I present results that suggest that user imagery affects brand ... -
Parental Investments in Child Health – the importance of paternalistic altruism, child egoism and short-sightedness
(2015-12)Parent and child interaction is an important determinant of child health. Typically, parents are more forward-looking than their children and, hence, care about investments in human capital to a larger extent. In this paper ... -
Essays on Field Experiments and Impact Evaluation
(2015-12-09)Paper 1: Improving Welfare Through Climate-Friendly Agriculture: The Case of the System of Rice Intensification We use rich survey data to investigate the economic impact of a climate-friendly rice farming method known as ... -
Social Distortion in Weight Perception: A Decomposition of the Obesity Epidemic
(2015-12)This paper examines the influence of social norms on obesity. We develop a concept of social norm related to social distortion in weight perception developed through shared experiences in a common social environment with ... -
Education and HIV incidence among young women: causation or selection?
(2015-11)Several studies report that schooling protects against HIV infection in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study examines the effect of secondary school attendance on the probability of HIV incidence among young women aged 15-24, ... -
Providing Advice to Job Seekers at Low Cost: An Experimental Study on On-Line Advice
(2015-11)Helping job seekers to identify suitable jobs is a key challenge for policy makers. We develop and evaluate experimentally a novel tool that provides tailored advice at low cost and thereby redesigns the process through ... -
En dag på Magasinsgatan - Resultat från en stadssittning
(Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, 2015-11)Fredagen den 22:a Maj 2015 samlades medarbetare från forskningsprojektet Re:heritage, Göteborgs Universitet och Göteborgs Stadsmuseum på parkeringsplatsen/torget på Magasinsgatan för att tillsammans genomföra en ... -
Strategic Delegation and Non-cooperative International Permit Markets
(2015-11)We analyze a principal-agent relationship in the context of international climate policy in a two-country framework. First, the principals of both countries decide whether to link their domestic emission permit markets to ... -
Resource Windfalls and Local Government Behavior: Evidence from a Policy Reform in Indonesia
(2015-11)We analyze the impact of a natural experiment in Indonesia that allocated certain district governments with a windfall revenue from natural resource production. Our identification is based on a comparison between bordering ... -
Modelling Household Cooking Fuel Choice: a Panel Multinomial Logit Approach
(2015-10)We use three rounds of a rich panel data set to investigate the determinants of household cooking fuel choice and energy transition in urban Ethiopia. We observe that the expected energy transition did not occur following ... -
International Remittances and Private Inter-household Transfers: Exploring the Links
(2015-10)We investigate the effect of remittances from migrated family members on informal inter- household transfers - an issue that has received limited attention in the literature. Using rich panel data from urban Ethiopia, ... -
Improving Welfare through Climate-friendly Agriculture: The Case of the System of Rice Intensification
(2015-10)We use rich survey data to investigate the impact of a climate-friendly rice farming method known as the system of rice intensification (SRI) on the welfare of rain-dependent small-holder farmers in Tanzania. SRI reduces ... -
Architecture of the EU Emissions Trading System in Phase 3 and the Distribution of Allowance Asset Values
(2015-10)Recent changes to the EU Emissions Trading System introduce structural changes regarding the initial distribution of emissions allowances, which are worth tens of billions of euros. A key change is the expanding role for ... -
The Pioneers’ Arguments for Formulating Economic Problems Mathematically
(2015-10)The nineteenth century pioneers in formulating economic problems mathematically often felt that they needed to explain their reasons for using mathematics. We will look at the arguments of Cournot, Thünen, Gossen, Jevons, ...